The actual grade is NOT given, NOR is the speciesgroup. The index numbers 48/24 and 32/ 16 givethe maximum spacing in inches of supports. Thenumber to the left of the slash is the maximumO.C. (on-center) spacing of supports for roofdecking. The number to the right of the slash isthe maximum O.C. spacing of supports forsubfloors. A number 0 on the right of the slashindicates that the panel should NOT be used forsubflooring. No reference to the index number isneeded when the panel is to be used for wallsheathing.Detailed information on specific types andgrades and their uses can be found in commercialstandards for the manufacture of plywoodsestablished by the U.S. Department of Commerce.General plywood characteristics and architecturalinformation can be found in the followingpublications: American Plywood Association,National Lumber Manufacturing Association, orthe Architectural Graphic Standards. The latterbook can be found in your unit’s technical library.SPECIAL-PURPOSE PLYWOODOther types of plywood are manufactured forspecific purposes. Among these types are thestructural, sheathing, overlaid panels, decorativepanels, and concrete form panels. Table 6-3 listssome of the various types of plywood with theirsuggested uses.Structural plywood is recommended forheavy-load application where strength propertiesare of great importance. Likewise, for box beams,gusset plates, and stressed-skin panels, unsandedgrades of C-D plywood are recommended.Standard plywood sheathing is usedsubfloors, roof decks, and wall sheathing.Table 6-3.-Uses of PlywoodforIt is6-11
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