position in front of the body. Sometimes the rangepole tip is set on the ground to serve as a pivot.Then the pole may be swayed slowly to the leftand/or right until the instrumentman picks up thesignal.5. PLUMB THE ROD. The signal to plumbthe rod to the desired direction (right or left) isgiven by extending the appropriate arm upwardand moving the hand in the direction the top ofthe rod must be moved to make it vertical.6. ESTABLISH A TURNING POINT. Thissignal is given when the instrumentman wants aturning point established during traversing orleveling operations. It is given by extending eitherarm upward and making a circular motion.7. THIS IS A TURNING POINT. Therodman gives this signal to indicate a turningpoint. This is done using a leveling rod andapplying the method described in 4.8. WAVE THE ROD. This signal, given bythe instrumentman to the rodman, is importantto get the lowest stadia reading. The instru-mentman extends one arm upward, palm of thehand forward, and waves the arm slowly fromside to side. The rodman then moves the top ofthe leveling rod forward and backward slowlyabout a foot each way from the vertical.9. FACE THE ROD. To give this signal, theinstrumentman extends both arms upward toindicate to the rodman that the leveling rod isfacing in the wrong direction.10. REVERSE THE ROD. The instrument-man gives this signal by holding one arm upwardand the other downward, and then reversing theirpositions with full sidearm swings.11. BOOST THE ROD. The instrumentmangives this signal by swinging both arms forwardand upward, palms of the hands upward. Thissignal is used when the instrumentman wants theleveling rod raised and held with its bottom endat a specified distance, usually about 3 ft, abovethe ground.12. MOVE FORWARD. The instrumentmangives this signal by extending both arms outhorizontally from the shoulders, palms up, thenswinging the forearms upward.13. MOVE BACK. The instrumentman givesthis signal by extending one arm out horizontallyfrom the shoulder, hand and forearm extendedvertically, and moving the hand and forearmoutward until the whole arm is extendedhorizontally.14. UP OR DOWN. The instrumentman givesthis signal by extending one arm out horizontallyfrom the shoulder and moving it upward ordownward. This directs the rodman to slide thetarget up or down on the rod.15. PICK UP THE INSTRUMENT. Theparty chief gives this signal by imitating themotions of picking up an instrument and puttingin on the shoulder. The party chief or otherresponsible member of the party gives this signal,directing the instrumentman to move forward tothe point that has just been established.16. COME IN. The chief of party gives thissignal at the end of the day’s work and at othertimes, as necessary.Two additional hand signals are shown infigure 12-2. Their meanings are given in the nexttwo paragraphs.RAISE FOR RED. The instrumentman givesthis signal in a leveling operation to ascertain theimmediate whole-foot mark after reading thetenths and hundredths of a foot. This usuallyhappens when the rodman is near the instrumentor if something is in the way and obscures thewhole-foot mark.EXTEND THE ROD. The instrumentmangives this signal when there is a need to extendan adjustable rod. This happens when the heightof the instrument becomes greater than thestandard length of the unextended adjustable levelrod.Figure 12-2.-Additional hand signals.12-3
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