6-64.Brick that is designed to withstandexposure to below-freezingtemperatures in a moist climate iswhat classification?1. SW2. MW3. NW4. MC6-65.Which of the following types ofbrick should be used as the backingcourse for a cavity wall?1.Face2.Kiln-run3.Glazed4.Fire6-66.What type of brick is made ofspecial clay and is designed towithstand high temperatures?1.Press2.Clinker3.Glazed4.Fire6-67.Structural bonding of brick wallscauses the entire assembly to act asa single unit.This method ofbonding is accomplished by which ofthe following means?1.Adhesion of grout to adjacentwythes of masonry2.Embedding metal ties inconnecting joints3.Interlocking of the masonryunits4.All of the above6-68.The simplest pattern bond made upentirely of stretchers is referredto by what name?6-69.In which of the following patternbonds must you place a three-quarterbrick at the corner of each headercourse?1.Common2.English3.Block4.Stack6-70.An English bond pattern wall iscomposed of alternate courses ofwhat types of brick?1.Three-quarter and blind headers2.Stretchers and bull-headers3.Headers and stretchers4.Headers and rigid steel ties6-71.In masonry construction, which ofthe following statements bestdescribes the term “soldier”?1.A unit laid flat with itslongest dimension perpendicularto the wall2.A brick laid on its end so thatits longest dimension isparallel to the vertical axis ofthe face of the wall3.A unit laid with its longestdimension parallel to the faceof the wall4.One of the continuous horizontallayers of masonry which, bondedtogether,form the masonrystructure1.Stack2.Common3.Running4.English42
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