Figure 8-25.--Installing front-row pickets for triple concertina
Figure 8-23.--Triple standard concertina fence.
Figure 8-24.--Laying out long pickets for triple concertina fence.
Figure 8-26.--Laying out concertina.
shown in figure 8-23. All lines are installed with
staggered joints. Each line is completed before the
next is started, so a partially completed concertina
entanglement presents some obstruction. It is
The first group lays out front-row long pickets of
erected quickly and is difficult to cross, cut, or
concertina fence at 5-pace intervals on the line of the
crawl through.
fence (fig. 8-24) with points of pickets on line and
A 984-f60t section of this fence is a platoon task
pointing toward the enemy. The rear-row long pickets
normally requiring less than 1 hour. There are two
are then laid out on a line 3 feet to the rear and opposite
operations in building this fence: (1) carrying and
the center of interval between the front-row long
laying out pickets and concertina rolls and installing
pickets. An anchor picket is laid out at each end of each
concertina fence and (2) opening and installing
line, 5 feet from the end long picket.
The second group installs pickets beginning with
the front row (fig. 8-25). As in other fences, eyes of
screw pickets are to the right. Concave faces of
Phase One
U-shaped pickets are toward the enemy.
The third group lays out concertinas along the rows
For the first operation, divide the working party into
of pickets (fig. 8-26). In the front row, one roll is placed
three groups of approximately equal size: one to lay out
at the third picket and one at every fourth picket
all concertina fence, one to install all concertina fence,
thereafter. Sixteen staples accompany each front-row
and one to lay out all concertina rolls.