2. Originator's Code and Serial Number. The
originator's code is the office symbol of the drafter.
Letterhead stationery of the activity responsible
Commands may decide the makeup of an originator's
for signing the correspondence is used for the first
code that is typed on all letters, either alone or as part of
page of a naval letter. If printed letterhead stationery
a serial number. A serial number is required on all
is not available, the letterhead is typed or stamped in
classified correspondence. Whether your unclassified
the center of the page, four lines from the top of the
correspondence is serialized depends on local practice.
When a serial number is used, it starts a new sequence of
consecutive numbers at the beginning of each new
Second and subsequent pages are typed on plain
calendar year. Serial numbers for classified letters begin
bond paper similar to letterhead paper in size, color,
with a C for Confidential, an S for Secret, and a T for
a n d q u a l i t y. O f f i c i a l L e t t e r h e a d S t a t i o n e r y,
Top Secret.
S E C N AV I N S T 5 6 0 2 . 6 , g i v e s s t a n d a r d i z e d
instructions for format and style when you are using
letterhead stationery.
Ser N31/C0023
3. Date. The date should be typed or stamped on all
The left and right margins on the first page of all
copies of a letter the same day it is signed. Never type or
naval letters are 1 inch, and the bottom margin is at
stamp the date on correspondence that will be signed at
least 1 inch. The second and succeeding pages have a
a later date. When material is dated, use a
top margin of 1 inch. The other margins remain the
day-month-year order, using only the first three letters
same as on the first page.
of the month and the last two digits of the year.
Writing Styles
Heading Format
Correspondence formats are important;
The heading of official naval correspondence
h ow ev e r, w r i t i n g i s m o r e i m p o r t a n t . A s a n
includes six blocks: from, to, via, subject, reference,
administrative assistant or a supervisor, you may be
and enclosure.
required to compose letters from brief notes or even
1. From Block. The from block identifies, by title,
from oral instructions. Write with clarity and
the official in charge of the activity originating the letter.
conciseness. Use simple, plain language. Avoid
When a reply is required, this is the official to whom the
cumbersome wording.
reply is directed. When an originating official has more
than one title (such as commander of a naval base or
Identification Symbols
commandant of a naval district), normally only one of
the titles is used in the from line of a letter, depending on
Identification symbols may be used on
the placement of responsibility for the subject matter
correspondence for reference purposes. Located in the
involved. The precise wording of this block is
upper-right corner and blocked one below the other,
established in one of the following publication:
they include the standard subject identification code,
the originator's code with or without the serial number,
a. Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL),
and the date.
Enclosure 2 (Fleet Address Listings).
1. Standard Subject Identification Code (SSIC).
b. Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL),
The SSIC is a four- or five-digit number that
Enclosure 3 (Shore address listings).
represents a letter's subject, and helps in the filing,
2. To B l o c k . T h e t o b l o c k o n o f f i c i a l
retrieving, and eventual disposition of
correspondence is used to address the chief official of
correspondence. The SSIC should be typed in the
the bureau, office, command, or activity having
upper-right corner, two lines below the printed
responsibility for the subject matter. Give a complete
letterhead. To find the SSIC that represents the
mailing address, including the ZIP Code, and, whenever
subject of your letter, refer to the Department of the
practical, the office that will act on your letter. The latter
Navy File Maintenance Procedures and Standard
is done by including a code or a person's title in
S u b j e c t I d e n t i f i c a t i o n C o d e s , S E C NAV I N S T
parentheses following the activity's name.