3. A survey is used to expend material from stock
and/or custody records in one of the following
Material is transferred for a variety of reasons.
When a supply depot forwards requisitioned material,
a. The material is condemned as a result of
a t r a n s f e r o f m a t e r i a l i s i nv o l v e d . W h e n a n
intermediate-maintenance activity returns excess or
unserviceable material to a supply depot, a transfer of
b. The material is appraised as damaged or is
material is involved. Thus MOMAU activities can be
destroyed as a result of a loss of utility, not
on both the receiving and sending ends of material
due to misconduct.
The transfer of material from an activity may be
c. The material is acknowledged as non-
made only when authorized by proper authority.
existent as a result of loss due to theft.
Depending on the material, such authorizations may be
Further information concerning the expenditure of
automatically granted by a directive. Some requests for
m a t e r i a l i s c o n t a i n e d i n NAV S U P P - 4 8 5 a n d
such an authorization may be required to be submitted
in writing.
This section briefly discusses the issue, transfer,
Material to be transferred must be forwarded with
and survey of material; disposition of excess material;
proper documents. The DOD Single-Line Item
missing, lost, stolen, or recovered government
Release/Receipt Document (DD Form 1348-1) is the
most commonly used document for transferring
property; and material shipment procedures.
material. Like other supply documents, a copy of all
DD Forms 1348-1 issued from or received by an
activity must be retained.
When a division or a department requests material
from the supply department, such requests should be
submitted on a NAVSUP Form 1250 and logged in the
The purpose of a survey is to determine the reason
requestor's requisition log. Once the material is
and/or the responsibility for the loss, damage, or
received, the receipt date is logged in the requestor's
destruction of government material and to determine
requisition log. If the material ordered is not in stock,
the actual loss to the U.S. government. Immediately
the supply department assigns a requisition number
upon the discovery of the loss, the damage, or the
and returns a copy of the DD Form 1250 to the
destruction of government material, a preliminary
requestor, who then logs the assigned number in the
investigation is conducted to determine if there is
requestor's requisition log.
evidence of negligence, willful misconduct, or
Supply personnel indicate on the DD Form 1250
deliberate unauthorized use.
whether the material was issued or ordered. That
This preliminary investigation is conducted by the
information is then recorded on the appropriate stock
department head or the division officer (or equivalent)
record cards.
responsible for the material. When circumstances
warrant, such as an indication of criminal action or
D u r i n g q u a r t e r l y m a i n t e n a n c e o r bu i l d u p
gross negligence, the commanding officer or the
evolutions, your division or department orders from
officer in charge may appoint a surveying officer or a
the supply department the material required to replace
survey board to further investigate the situation.
rejects and/or to assemble mines to a higher
configuration. These actions are considered internal
requests, and all material accumulated in excess must
be turned in to the supply department as soon as
An individual who is accountable or responsible for
possible to avoid backlogs and to keep the supply
the material in question may NOT be appointed as a
department from ordering more of the same material
surveying officer.
when it is not required. Once the material is turned in,
it is the responsibility of the supply department
supervisor to ensure that the material is returned to
An investigation or a review must determine what
caused the loss, the damage, or the destruction of the
stock or that it is disposed of as directed.