BLOOD AGENTS--Chemical agents that enter the
EXTINGUISHER-- Used on small electrical fires
body through the respiratory tract. Most blood
(class CHARLIE) and has limited effectiveness on
agents act rapidly and are normally nonpersistent.
class BRAVO fires.
In general, a victim who does not die quickly will
recover within a few hours.
SYSTEM--Consists of two cylinders, a length of
BLUEOUT--Acoustic reverberation (echoes) from
special CO2 hose coiled on a reel, and a
underwater explosions (nuclear and conventional
horn-shaped nonconducting nozzle equipped with a
weapons) that masks the sounds sonar is supposed
second control valve.
to detect.
C A R B O N M O N OX I D E ( C O ) -- A c o l o r l e s s ,
BOUNDARY (SPACES)--The outermost border or
odorless, tasteless, and nonirritating gas. However,
limit immediately surrounding a confined space,
it can cause death even in small concentrations.
above, below, and on all sides, such as the outside
walls of a fuel tank.
CASCOR--A CASCOR (Casualty Correction) is
submitted when equipment, which has been the
BOX PATCH--Effective for use over holes that have
subject of casualty report, is back in operational
jagged edges projecting inboard.
condition. This report shall be submitted as soon as
BRAVO (B) FIRES--Those that occur in the vapor-air
possible after the casualty has been corrected.
mixture over the surface of flammable liquids, such
CASREP--A CASREP (Casualty Report) is submitted
as gasoline, jet fuels, diesel oil, fuel oil, paints,
to report the occurrence of a significant equipment
casualty or malfunction which cannot be corrected
BUFFER ZONE--The area between the inner and
within 48 hours and which reduces the ship's ability
to perform its mission.
BRAVO fire in a machinery space.
C A S UA LT Y E X P O S U R E -- T h e t o t a l g a m m a
ex p o s u r e t h a t t h e c o m m a n d i n g o ffi c e r h a s
B U L K H E A D S -- Ve r t i c a l w a l l s t h a t r u n b o t h
transversely and longitudinally through the interior
an individual's accumulated exposure has reached
of a ship which divide it into compartments.
this level, that person cannot be assigned duties
BULWARKS--Solid fencing along the gunwale of the
main (weather) deck.
command approval.
BUOYANCY--The ability of an object to float.
important shipboard damage control systems. The
C2 CANISTER--The canister used as part of a
system is a simple electrical distribution system. It is
protective mask for CB warfare.
used to maintain a source of electrical power for the
most vital machinery and equipment needed to keep
shipboard decontaminant for chemical and
the ship afloat or to get the ship out of a danger area.
The casualty power system is intended to provide
power during real emergencies only. It must NOT be
used as a means of making temporary routine repairs.
filter, absorbent or catalyst, or any combination
CASUALTY--A person unavailable for duty because
the air drawn through it.
of injuries.
C A N I S T E R ( OX Y G E N - G E N E R AT I N G ) -- A
CEILING LIMIT--Concentration of a substance
container filled with a chemical that generates
above which personnel should not be exposed, even
oxygen by chemical reaction.
CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2)--An effective agent for
CENTER OF BUOYANCY--When a ship is floating
extinguishing fires by smothering them and also
at rest in calm water, it is acted upon by two sets of
produced by a fire when there is complete
forces: (1) the downward force of gravity and (2) the
upward force of buoyancy. The force of gravity is a
resultant or composite force, including the weights
material. CO2 is a colorless and odorless gas.