Figure 6-2. Horizontal loop firemain system.
the lower level near the centerline. Cross-connections
3. The vertical offset loop firemain system shown in
figure 6-3 consists of two single piping runs, installed
are installed alternately between one service piping
fore-and-aft in an oblique (that is, angled) plane,
run and the bypass piping.
separated both vertically and athwartship, connected at
the ends to form a loop. The lower section of the firemain
is located as low in the ship as practical on one side, and
the upper section is located on the damage control deck
Sprinkler systems are used for emergency cooling
on the opposite side of the ship. Athwartship
of, and fire fighting in, magazines, ready-service
cross-connects are usually provided at each pump riser.
magazine sprinkler system consists of a network of
A commonly used variation is a composite
pipes. These pipes are secured to the overhead and
firemain system that consists of two piping runs
connected by a sprinkler system control valve to the
installed on the damage control deck and separated
ship's firemain system. The pipes are fitted with spray
athwartships. A bypass section of piping is installed at
Figure 6-3. Vertical offset loop firemain system.