can be donned at anytime needed during emergency
egress. The hood protects the user from hazardous
environments, while allowing a full range of view. The
Teflon hood and breathing bag provide excellent heat
and chemical resistance. The compressed oxygen and
mouthpiece combination allows the Ocenco M-20.2
EEBD to be donned in a smoke-filled environment.
The actual EEBD can be identified by its orange
storage case. The training EEBD comes with two extra
mouthpieces and is stored in a light blue secondary
container. It provides training in both the worn and
stored positions.
Affected/Damaged Systems
The information necessary to effectively combat a
large fire must include an assessment of any damage to
Courtesy of Ocenco, Inc.
fire-fighting systems, as well as any major systems
Figure 7-3. The Ocenco M-20.2 EEBD has been selected for
within the compartment that are not isolated and
exclusive use by the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard and the
electrical isolation. The decision to secure
compartment lighting rests with the on-scene leader.
Fire and Smoke Boundaries
each of the large engineering spaces aboard your ship.
The ship's fire doctrine lists both primary and
secondary boundaries. The boundaries are designed to
effectively contain a fire to prevent its spread.
bu l k h e a d s i m m e d i a t e l y a d j a c e n t t o t h e fi r e .
Boundarymen will man these primary boundaries with
a fire hose, and may have to cool the bulkhead to
prevent spread of the fire. Fire could spread through
any penetration, including ventilation, electrical
cableways, piping conduits, or defective welds in cases
of extreme heat.
A secondary set of boundaries is set at the next
immediate watertight bulkhead from the scene. If a
boundary fails, and the fire cannot be contained at the
first boundary, the boundaryman will attempt to secure
the space and evacuate. What were previously
secondary boundaries now become the primary
boundaries. Boundary information is plotted by DCC
The new compressed-oxygen EEBD has different
and all repair lockers.
donning procedures because of their new design. The
new EEBD provides 10 minutes of oxygen for escape,
Reports (Halon, Bilge Sprinkling, etc.)
although it is rated up to 32 minutes. It uses an
automatic on, compressed oxygen, demand regulated
Reports by evacuating personnel will include
system. The new EEBD can be donned in seconds;
whether bilge sprinkling was used, whether the source
simply unlatch the case, pull out the unit, and insert the
of the fire (such as leaking or spraying fuel) was
s e c u r e d , a n d w h e t h e r H a l o n wa s a c t iva t e d .
mouthpiece and don the nose clip. The attached hood