Sources of Water in Soils
Surface water results from precipitation or
runoff and enters the soil through the openings
between the particles. This moisture may adhere
to the different particles, or it may penetrate the
soil to some lower layer.
Subsurface water is collected or held in pools
or layers beneath the surface by a restricting layer
of soil or rock. This water is constantly acted upon
by one or more external forces.
Water controlled by gravity (free or gravita-
tional water) seeks a lower layer and moves
through the voids or spaces until it reaches some
restriction. This restriction may be a bedrock or
an impervious layer of soil whose openings or
voids are so small as to prevent water passage.
The voids or spaces in a soil may form con-
tinuous tunnels or tubes and cause the water to
rise in the tubes by capillary action (capillary
moisture). The smaller the tube, the stronger the
capillary action; therefore, the water rises higher
in the finer soils, which have smaller intercon-
nected voids. This area of moisture above the free
water layer or pool is called the capillary fringe.
Another force acting on soil water is absorp-
tion by the atmosphere. As the moisture
evaporates from the soil surface, more moisture
is drawn from the soil below and is, in turn, also
evaporated. This process continues until the soil
is in an airdry condition in which the moisture
in the soil is in equilibrium with the moisture
vapor in the air. In this airdry state, the moisture
remaining in the soil is in the form of thin films
of water surrounding the individual soil particles
and is called the hydroscopic moisture. These
moisture films are due to naturally occurring elec-
trical forces, which bind the water molecules to
the soil particles. Hydroscopic moisture films may
be driven off from airdried soil by heating the
material in an oven at a controlled temperature
for 24 hr or until constant weight is attained.
To define the amount of water present in a
soil sample, the term moisture content (symbol
w) is used. It is the proportion of the weight of
water to the weight of the solid mineral grains
(weight of dry soil) expressed as a percentage or
w =
weight of water
x 100
weight of dry soil
When wet soil is dried in air in the laboratory,
the amount of hydroscopic moisture remaining
in the airdried soil, expressed as a percentage of
the weight of the dry soil, is called the hydroscopic
moisture content.
Plasticity is a property of the fine-grained por-
tion of a soil that allows it to be deformed beyond
the point of recovery without cracking or chang-
ing volume appreciably. Some minerals, such as
quartz powder, cannot be made plastic no mat-
ter how fine the particles or how much water is
added. All clay minerals, on the other hand, are
plastic and can be rolled into thin threads at a cer-
tain moisture content without crumbling. Since
practically all fine-grained soils contain some clay,
most of them are plastic. The degree of plasticity
is a general index to the clay content of a soil.
The term fat and lean are sometimes used to
distinguish between highly plastic and slightly
plastic soils. For example, lean clay is only slightly
plastic, whereas fat clay is highly plastic. In
engineering practice, soil plasticity is determined
by observing the different physical states that a
plastic soil passes through as the moisture condi-
tions change. The boundaries between the dif-
ferent states, as described by the moisture content
at the time of change, are called consistency limits
or Atterberg limits.
The liquid limit (LL) is the moisture content
corresponding to the arbitrary limit between the
liquid and plastic states of consistency of a soil.
Above this value, the soil is presumed to be a
liquid and behaves as such by flowing freely under
its own weight. Below this value, it deforms under
pressure without crumbling, provided the soil ex-
hibits a plastic state.
The plastic limit (PL) is the moisture content
at an arbitrary limit between the plastic and
semisolid state. It is reached when the soil is no
longer pliable and crumbles under pressure. Bet-
ween the liquid and plastic limits is the plastic
range. The numerical difference in moisture con-
tent between the two limits is called the plasticity
index (PI). The equation is PI = LL PL. It
defines the range of moisture content within which
the soil is in a plastic state.
The shrinkage limit is the boundary in
moisture content between the solid and the
semisolid states. The solid state is reached when
the soil sample, upon being dried, finally reaches
a limiting or minimum volume. Beyond this point,
further drying does not reduce the volume but
may cause cracking. The limit tests are described
later in this chapter.
Effects of Soil Moisture
Moisture affects coarse-grained soils much less
than fine-grained soils. One reason for this is that