Figure 13-11B.Stress-penetration curves (reverse of CBR test data sheet DD Form 1212).
The 5,000-pound proving ring was used for which
starting at 0.025 inch and increasing to 0.500 inch. The
the proving-ring constant was 12 pounds for every
second column lists standard unit loads. The test was
0.0001 read on the proving-ring dial; for example,when
carried out by cranking the jack until the penetration dial
the proving-ring dial reads 0.0111, the force being
reaches the standard penetration, then reading the load
exerted by the piston is 12 x 111, or 1,332 pounds.
for that penetration on the proving-ring dial. Notice that
In the penetration data portion of the data sheet, you
for each dial reading there is a corrected dial reading that
that the first column lists standard penetrations
is 0.003 inch less that the uncorrected reading. This