NOTE 1. If it is the original classification, the
identification of the original classification authority is
O ffi c i a l c o r r e s p o n d e n c e , r e c e ive d b y t h e
inserted. If more than one source is applicable, the
administrative department, should ultimately become
words Multiple Sources are inserted.
a part of the permanent records of the command. The
routing required between the receipt and the filing of
NOTE 2. The specific date or event certain to
the correspondence depends on the type of information
occur is inserted. If a specific date or event cannot be
furnished and any action required. Local procedures
determined, the notation Originating Agency's
usually prescribe a standard routing for all incoming
Determination Required or OADR is used.
correspondence in addition to those individuals
primarily concerned with the correspondence.
NOTE 3. This marking is used only when
downgrading is applicable. For example, a particular
A route sheet is normally used to ensure the proper
S e c r e t d o c u m e n t s h o u l d b e d ow n g r a d e d t o
routing of correspondence that requires action. (It is
Confidential on 31 December 2003. Therefore, this
often used for all correspondence, including
information only as well as action.) This form is
block will state Downgrade to Confidential on 31
prepared in duplicate, with the original route sheet
Dec 2003.
attached to the correspondence to be routed and the
NOTE 4. The identity of the foreign government
duplicate route sheet retained in the administrative
or the international organization, the source document,
office. As the correspondence progresses through the
routing indicated, appropriate action is taken and the
the memorandum of understanding, or the
routing sheet is initialed by the responsible
classification guide is inserted.
individuals. When the routing is complete, the
NOTE 5. The notation Originating Agency's
correspondence, with the original route sheet, is
Determination Required or OADR is inserted.
returned to the administrative department for filing.
For further instructions on classified information
The routing may be placed on the correspondence
itself if the correspondence is only for information.
procedures, refer to SECNAVINST 5510.36.
This may be accomplished by the use of a route stamp
similar to that shown in table 1-5.
The fact that official correspondence is originated
Outgoing correspondence is prepared by the
implies that information is being requested or
correspondence organizational component by using a
furnished. It follows that unless this information is
r o u g h d r a f t p r e p a r e d b y t h e o r i g i n a t o r. T h e
properly disseminated, the mere origination of the
correspondence file that accompanies the letter to be
correspondence accomplishes very little.
signed is arranged according to the instructions of the
Correspondence that requests a report does not
signing official.
produce the report unless the person responsible for its
preparation receives the request.
Table 1-5.--Route Stamp Example
proper handling of official correspondence is assigned
to the administrative department of a mine shop. In
many instances, an MN3 or an MN2 is assigned to this
department. In the case of a small mine shop, the MN2
or the MN1 may even be the head of the administrative
department. For that reason, it is essential that you, as a
Mineman, understand how to handle incoming and
outgoing correspondence.
This section discusses incoming and outgoing
correspondence and the Navy filing system.