The only thing that may be stored in a magazine is
magazine is usually designed to hold only one type of
explosive. Based on this assumption, a magazine may
the material it was designed to hold. A magazine may
have any one of the following designations:
not be used to store empty paint cans or grease cans, oily
waste rags, or similar fire hazards. Additionally, the
Powder magazine
only personnel allowed to be in a magazine are those
who have business there.
Fixed-ammunition magazine
The commanding officer (CO) is the custodian of
Small arms magazine
all magazine keys. The CO may, however, designate
certain persons under his or her command to have
Warhead locker
custody of duplicate keys. The designated individual
Projectile magazine or room
will use the duplicate keys each morning to inspect the
magazines and take magazine temperatures.
Bomb magazine
Missile magazine
Fuze magazine
Every ship has requirements for periodic (daily,
Detonator locker
weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semiannual, or
annual) inspections of its magazines and their contents.
Pyrotechnic magazine or locker
These inspections should follow the appropriate 3-M
While stowing only one type of ammunition in a
Systems maintenance requirement cards (MRCs) and
magazine is desirable, it is not always possible, due to
other source publications such as Ammunition Afloat,
space limitations. Therefore, in certain situations
prescribed by the operational commander, more than
one type of ammunition can be stowed in a magazine.
A magazine is considered to be in satisfactory
condition if an inspection shows that it meets the
have been removed from their containers or fuzes and
requirements listed on applicable MRCs. Daily
detonators that are not integral parts of the ammunition.
inspection requirements usually include checking the
These items must be stowed according to the current
general condition and cleanliness of the space. Less
instructions related to the particular items.
frequent inspections (monthly, quarterly, and so on)
normally require a more detailed check of specific
Where mixed stowage of ammunition is necessary,
precautions should be taken to make sure the various
magazine conditions and equipment. The inspector
types of ammunition are segregated within the
should understand each 3-M inspection requirement
magazine and that each type is suitably marked for
completely and should follow it to the letter. Doing so
not only ensures a safe ammunition storage area but also
OP-4, provides answers to specific questions
fulfills the requirements of periodic inspections, such as
concerning stowage requirements.
the explosive safety inspection (ESI). ESI inspectors
use the same inspection criteria as those listed on your
The most frequently conducted magazine
inspection is, obviously, the daily inspection. The main
ready-service lockers, and areas such as ammunition
purpose of a daily magazine inspection is to check and
hoists leading into magazine spaces are kept closed and
locked, except when they are opened for inspection,
record space temperatures. Temperature is the most
ventilating purposes, testing, or authorized work.
important factor that affects powder and propellant
stability. Because of the importance of maintaining
These spaces are not entered unnecessarily and are
proper temperatures in magazines, we will spend the
opened only when authorized by the weapons officer.
The weapons officer is responsible for making sure that
next few pages discussing how and why temperatures
are taken, recorded, and evaluated.
the spaces are locked when they are not being used.