Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
1. Discuss the common pyrotechnic devices currently in use on modem Navy
surface ships.
2. Describe the procedures for handling and stowing pyrotechnics safely.
Marine location markers are used as night or day
Pyrotechnic is the Greek word for fireworks. The
long-burning reference markings on the surface of the
Navy uses fireworks not for celebration, but for
ocean. They are dropped over the side from surface
ships for man-overboard marking, navigation drills, and
illuminating projectile, or star shell, used to illuminate
other similar operations. These markers may also be
targets for gunfire. The star shell is a pyrotechnic device
dropped from aircraft for search and rescue operations.
encased in a projectile body of standard external shape
The two marine location markers currently in use are the
and fired from a standard rifled gun.
Mk 58 and the Mk 6.
In this chapter, we will discuss the common
pyrotechnic devices currently in use on modem Navy
surface ships. For further information on these and
other pyrotechnic devices used by the Navy, refer to
The Mk 58 marine location marker is the primary
Pyrotechnic Screening, Marking, and Countermeasure
marine location marker found aboard surface vessels. It
Devices, NAVSEA SW050-AB-MMA-010. All the
is approximately 21 1/2 inches long and weighs about
12 3/4 pounds. It contains a battery squib, some starter
pyrotechnics we study here are intended for signaling
mix, two pyrotechnic candles, and a transfer fuse
and marking. The devices we will discuss are:
between the two candles. Before the marker is launched
marine location markers,
(thrown overboard), the tear tape over the water port
must be removed so that seawater can enter the marker
and activate the battery. Battery current energizes the
electric squib, which ignites the starter mix, which, in
turn, lights the pyrotechnic candle. As the first candle
distress and hand signals.
burns out (in 20 to 30 minutes), the second candle is
Also, at the end of this chapter, we will provide
started by the transfer fuse, for a total burning time of
some basic information on the proper handling and
approximately 40 to 60 minutes. The Mk 58 currently is
stowage of these devices.
available in two versions, the Mod 0 and the Mod 1.