these situations, a Damage Controlman holds a key
Learning Objectives: Recall the primary duties
and responsibilities of personnel in the Damage
position in the damage control organization and is
Controlman rating, the duties and responsibilities for
required to coordinate the efforts of others for the
damage control of other key personnel in the chain of
successful control of damage. For these reasons, you
c o m m a n d , a n d t h e va r i o u s d a m a g e c o n t r o l
must possess qualities of leadership as well as be
administrative programs, directives, and reports.
highly skilled and knowledgeable in the field of
The Damage Controlman rating is a general rating
damage control.
and has no service ratings associated with it. As you
Organization and teamwork are the keys to
become familiar with the requirements for
successful damage control. Strong leadership is
advancement in this rating, you will recognize that the
required to keep the organization functioning and to
requirements for the rating are quite extensive.
ensure effective teamwork needed to meet the
following goals:
1. Preserve or reestablish watertight integrity,
Learning Objective: Recall the duties and
stability, maneuverability, and offensive power.
responsibilities of the Damage Controlman rating.
2. Control list and trim.
As a Damage Controlman, your tasks and duties
3. Repair material and equipment.
will include the following:
O rg a n i z a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r m e d i a t e l eve l
4. Limit the spread of, and provide protection
from fire.
maintenance and repair of damage control
equipment and systems.
Plan, supervise, and perform tasks necessary for
by, and provide adequate protection against chemical
and biological agents or noxious gases and nuclear
damage control, ship stability, preservation of
watertight integrity, fire fighting, and chemical,
6. Care for wounded personnel.
Instruct and coordinate damage control parties.
Instruct personnel in the techniques of damage
control and CBR defense.
Shipboard damage control is designed to work
toward three basic objectives. These objectives are as
Supervise and perform tasks in procurement and
issuance of supplies and repair parts; and prepare
records and reports.
1. Take all practicable preliminary measures
to prevent damage.
2. Minimize and localize damage as it occurs.
As you advance in the Damage Controlman (DC)
3. Accomplish emergency repairs as quickly as
rating, you will have increasing responsibilities for
possible, restore equipment to operation, and
military and technical leadership. Every petty officer
care for injured personnel.
must be a military leader as well as a technical
The damage control organization has the same
specialist; however, your responsibilities are unique to
objectives whether the country is at peace or at war.
the DC rating and are directly related to the nature of
The ship's ability to perform its mission will depend
your work. Your ability to lead others is particularly
u p o n t h e e ff e c t ive n e s s o f i t s d a m a g e c o n t r o l
important because in casualty situations damage
control often becomes an "all-hands" evolution. In