Know the correct course of action or options for
Provide for continual and periodic inspections of
various damage control situations.
department spaces according to current planned
maintenance system (PMS) procedures.
Promptly analyze a situation and take prompt,
Require that damage control equipment and
positive, and correct counteraction.
fittings be maintained in their proper locations
In the absence of the commanding officer,
and in operating order.
maneuver the ship.
Provide personnel for damage control, repair,
The OOD's ability to act properly and promptly
fire, salvage, and rescue parties, and for other
will be in direct proportion to the officer's training,
a s s i g n m e n t s a s r e q u i r e d b y t h e s h i p 's
knowledge of the ship, damage control procedures,
organization bills.
and equipment available.
Require that departmental material and
equipment are secured to protect them from
The command duty officer (CDO) in port is
damage by heavy seas.
designated by the commanding officer. This officer is
eligible for command at sea and is the deputy to the
Require an immediate report to the DCA of any
executive officer for a prescribed period of time. The
deficiency in damage control markings, devices,
C D O w i l l c a r r y o u t t h e f o l l ow i n g d u t i e s a n d
fittings, equipment, or material, and initiate
corrective action.
Carry out the ship's daily routine in port.
Train personnel in damage control matters in
Carry out the duties of the XO during the
coordination with the DCA.
temporary absence of that officer.
Be prepared to strip ship, or clear for action,
Advise and, if necessary, direct the OOD in
according to the ship's instructions.
matters concerning the general duties and safety
of the ship.
Keep informed of the ship's position, mooring
The engineer officer is also known as the damage
lines, or ground tackle in use.
control officer. This officer is responsible to the
Know the status of the engineering plant and all
commanding officer for the following duties and
other matters that affect the safety and security of
the ship.
The operation, care, and maintenance of the
In times of danger or emergency, take any action
main propulsion plant, auxiliary machinery, and
necessary until relieved by a senior officer in the
piping systems
succession of command.
The control of damage
Relieve the OOD when necessary for the safety
The operation and maintenance of electric power
of the ship, and inform the commanding officer
when such action is taken.
The repairs to the hull
We c a n a c h i ev e a d e q u a t e d a m a g e c o n t r o l
The repairs to material and equipment of other
readiness only by the participation of all departments
departments that are beyond the capacity of
aboard ship. For this reason, each department head will
those departments but within the capacity of the
carry out the following duties and responsibilities:
engineering department
Ensure that the material conditions of readiness
In amplification of the duties contained in U.S.
within the department are at their best.
Navy Regulations, the engineer officer is required to
Compartment check-off lists provided by the
carry out the following duties and responsibilities:
damage control assistant (DCA) prescribe
Maintain the hull, machinery, and electrical
material conditions. The DCA is discussed later
in this chapter.
system in battle readiness.