2. Grasp the mask by the outlet valve body and
Canisters are good for one attack of blood agent,
remove it by pulling down, outward and up.
after which they shall be replaced. Canisters are good
for 30 days following exposure to other chemical threat
3. Install the outsert, if necessary.
agents, as long as the 60-day limit after removal of the
4. Reverse the head harness over the mask
packaging seal is not exceeded.
facepiece and remove moisture from inside the
Canisters should be replaced when certain
conditions exist. These conditions include the
5. Clean and dry the mask according to current
PMS requirements.
1. The charcoal is wet.
6. Stow the mask in the mask carrier.
2. The canister has been damaged.
3. The canister is clogged and causes excessive
Clear plastic outserts that fit over the mask lens can
serve two purposes. They protect the lens from
4. The charcoal dust is left on your face after use.
scratches when they are stored in the carrier and they
protect the lens from chemical agent droplets, oil, and
5. T h e r e p l a c e m e n t i s d i r e c t e d b y t h e
other petroleum products when the mask is worn.
commanding officer.
Outserts shall be used on masks when they are stowed
in carriers.
The guidance in this paragraph does not
Use of outserts when masks are worn is
apply to canister replacement on masks issued
subject to command policy.
associated with the Naval Nuclear Propulsion
C2 Canister
The MCU-2/P series protective mask uses a single
Combat Spectacles
filter canister, designated C2.
This canister has a NATO standard thread and
Combat spectacles are available in two sizes for
screws into the inlet valve body. In the initial
use with the MCU-2/P series mask. The medical
configuration, the canister is on the left side of the
department is responsible for ordering and issuing
mask; however, it can be moved to the right side by
combat spectacles.
switching the locations of the inlet valve body and the
side voicemitter.
Two canisters are issued with the mask and the ship
issues a third. Two shallremain sealed in their
Combat spectacles are the only
packaging and reserved for wartime use. The third is
eyeglasses approved for use with the
attached to the mask for training and acclimation.
MCU-2/P series mask. Contact lenses will
Sixty days after a canister is removed from its
NOT be worn.
packaging, it is marked as a training canister.
The C2 canister has an operational service life,
based on a worst-case environment (hot climate and
high humidity) as follows:
A 1-quart canteen is used when aboard ship. The
drinking tube of the MCU-2/P series mask attaches to
In the absence of a CB agent, shipboard personnel
the M1 cap on the canteen. The cap contains a pin that
can retain canisters for operational use for 60 days after
depresses a diaphragm on the end of the drinking tube,
the seal is removed from the packaging. Canisters open
allowing the wearer to replenish fluids while wearing
for more than 60 days shall be retained for training only
the mask. Covers and belts for carrying the canteens
or discarded. A white stripe is painted around the rim
of each to identify training canisters.
may be ordered separately.