The PECU utilizes expendable cutting rods, which
operate on the exothermic torch principle. This
Learning Objective: Recall the requirements and
principle involves the use of oxygen, which is
combined with fuel. In this case, the fuel is a steel tube.
procedures for using emergency access equipment.
The exothermic cutting rod is ignited when the oxygen
Earlier in this chapter, different types of damage
passing through the iron rod comes in contact with a
control kits were mentioned that are used to control
spark generated from a 12-volt dc battery-powered
damage. But what equipment is available on the ship in
igniter. Once ignited, the fuel rod will continue to burn
case a space is inaccessible due to damaged doors,
u n t i l ex p e n d e d , p r ov i d e d t h e o x y g e n f l ow i s
hatches, and scuttles? The answer is the Portable
maintained. Releasing the oxygen lever will extinguish
Hydraulic Access and Rescue System (PHARS) and
the rod. A 12-volt battery is the maximum electrical
the Portable Exothermic Cutting Unit (PECU).
power permitted because larger power sources will
melt cables.
The exothermic torch can cut through most
materials, including steel, aluminum, laminates,
Already proven as a valuable piece of equipment
piping, and cables. The unit can operate with a cutting
by civilian fire departments, the Navy has approved the
rod and torch handle underwater as well as in the air.
Portable Hydraulic Access and Rescue System
Commercially available units may not provide the
(PHARS) for use as emergency damage control
underwater cutting capability.
equipment. PHARS can be utilized in emergency
access, personnel rescue, or fire-fighting operations
Holes cut in the ship's structure with the PECU
involving spreading, cutting, pulling, and piercing
should be circular and be no less than 6 inches nor more
light plate or sheet metal. There are several different
than 19 inches in diameter. Forming of corners that
types of these units available in the fleet. Each ship
initiate or induce stress cracking must be avoided.
should have at least one PHARS kit.
Damage control personnel are required to know
The power unit for the PHARS houses a diesel
how to operate this equipment. They must also test it
engine designed to power the hydraulic pump used to
and maintain it by performing minor repairs and
pressurize the hose reel. The hose reel has 100 feet of
ensuring the equipment is properly lubricated. For
hydraulic hose attached. This hose has a manifold used
detailed information, you should refer to the
for attachments that include cutters, extension ram,
appropriate technical manuals and to the ship's
and spreader.
Planned Maintenance System (PMS).
Damage control personnel are required to know
how to operate this equipment. They must also test it
and maintain it by performing minor repairs and
Do not cut piping that is pressurized,
ensuring the equipment is properly lubricated. For
piping containing flammable fluids, or
detailed information, you should refer to the
electrical cables that are energized.
appropriate technical manuals and to the ship's
Planned Maintenance System (PMS).
The exothermic torch produces sparks and molten
slag that can burn personnel, damage equipment, or
ignite combustibles on both sides of the deck or
bulkhead being cut.
The Portable Exothermic Cutting Unit (PECU) is a
valuable piece of damage control equipment that
When using the torch in weather, the operator and
provides rapid access into areas of the ship where
other personnel should position themselves upwind of
normal access is impaired. The PECU can be used for
the cut, and the cut should be started downwind of the
cutting into a deck to vent a compartment due to
planned hole so the molten slag, heat, and smoke
extreme temperatures from fire that prevents normal
formed by the torch or vented from the hole will blow
entry. The PECU can also be used for fire-fighting
clear of personnel. The access team should have smoke
operations and to drain water from areas of the ship
curtains; plugging, patching, and shoring materials;
w h e r e t h e e ff e c t s o f a c c u m u l a t e d wa t e r f r o m
and fire-fighting equipment immediately available as
fire-fighting operations may impair the ship's stability.
applicable to the situation.