fan room containing a YOKE fan has a YOKE door; a
If access to a space is through a series of hatches
room containing YOKE and ZEBRA fans has a ZEBRA
and/or scuttles, all of the closures that provide that
door. All other fan room doors are classified XRAY.
access must bear the same classification as that of the
space. For example, a pump room is classified as
A classification has no bearing on the security of a
CIRCLE YOKE. This means it is open during
condition XRAY and closed during condition YOKE.
space. A space classified ZEBRA may, for security
All hatches, scuttles, and/or doors that provide access
reasons, be locked during condition YOKE if the space
to the pump room must also be classified CIRCLE
is unattended. However, the locking must be reported
YOKE to allow routine access to the pump room.
to the DCA or to the OOD.
When a fan room door must be kept open to supply
Table 3-2 contains additional information on
air to a fan or to exhaust air from it, the door should have
damage control closures and their classifications.
the same classification as that of the fan. For example, a
Table 3-2. Damage Control Classifications
Air escapes
Damage control voids not
Damage control voids
containing pressure piping.
containing pressure
Air ports
All lens frames.
Dog Zebra:
Metal covers.
Air test fittings
Aviation fuel systems All valves.
(gasoline and JP-5)
Compressed air
Valves to counter recoil ch
All other valves.
arging to gunmounts,
torpedo charging valves,
cutout valves to other
systems not serving W
fittings, elevator pressure
tanks, catapult machinery,
diesel engine air starting
tank and test sets; control
main; hose outlets;
compartment testing valves.
Damage control
All valves in main and
All deck drain
Deck drains and flap
valves, plug cocks, valves from
systems; bilge suction
valves, scuppers,
operating room.
and overboard discharge
and vent valves for
valves in machinery
plumbing drains;
spaces; miscellaneous
gravity overboard
discharge valves
submersible pump
from unit coolers
overboard discharge
and air conditioning