ZEBRA. Ship personnel must have special authorization
to open these fittings. The black X identifying an XRAY
classification should be on the following closures:
Doors and hatches to storerooms and stowage
spaces, including cargo ammunition spaces
Access to the underwater log room
Hatches that are provided with a scuttle and lead to
Access to the equipment rooms that are
magazines and handling rooms
Bolted-plate manhole covers
Escape scuttles not covered elsewhere
YOKE Fittings
Doors and hatches located only on the weather
deck and below that are used to strike down stores
YOKE fittings are marked with a black Y and are
and ammunition
secured during conditions YOKE and ZEBRA. You
Access to an aircraft fueling station compartment
must have proper authorization to open fittings with
this classification when the ship is at condition
Access to escape trunks in machinery spaces
Access to the arresting gear machinery room
YOKE closures and fittings marked with a black
Y are as follows:
Access to the eductor room
Hatches that are provided with a scuttle and
Access to the capstan and winch control room
lead to shaft alleys and pump rooms
Access to the chain locker
Alternate accesses to machinery rooms
Access to the stores elevator
Weather deck hatches not classified as XRAY
Access to the catapult machinery room
Some alternate accesses on the DC deck and
Access to forced draft blower rooms
Access to the windlass room
Access to fan rooms
CIRCLE XRAY fittings are marked with a black X
inside of a black circle. These modified closures are
secured during conditions XRAY, YOKE, and ZEBRA.
Access to the air-conditioning machinery
However, personnel may open these fittings without
special authorization when proceeding to battle stations
or as required in routine inspection checks. You may
Access to the refrigeration machinery room
o p e n t h e s e c l o s u r e s , bu t y o u m u s t s e c u r e t h e m
Access to the elevator machinery room
immediately after use.
Access to the missile director machinery room
CIRCLE XRAY closures and fittings are marked
with a black X inside of a black circle. These closures
Access to the drying room
and fittings are as follows:
CIRCLE YOKE fittings are marked with a black
Y inside of a black circle. These modified fittings are
Hatches that do not have a scuttle and lead to
secured during conditions YOKE and ZEBRA.
magazines and handling rooms
However, these fittings may also be opened without
special authorization when personnel are proceeding
Access to the missile handling and check-out area
to battle stations or as required in routine inspection
checks. Again, you must secure these closures
Scuttles in hatches to the shaft alley, pump rooms,
immediately after use.
CIRCLE YOKE fittings and closures marked
Access to the gas and fuel station and filter rooms
with a black Y inside of a black circle are as follows: