Figure 15-9.-Taking a chunk sample from a level surface.Figure 15-9 shows the process of takinga chunk sample from a level surface, suchas a subgrade or the bottom of a test pit.After smoothing the ground surface and mark-ing the outline of the chunk, the first stepis to excavate a trench around the chunk.Then deepen the excavation and trim the sidesof the chunk with a knife. Finally, using aknife, trowel, or hacksaw blade, cut off the chunkat the bottom and carefully remove it from thehole.To take a chunk. from the vertical faceof a test pit or trench, as shown in fig-ure 15-10, smooth the surface of the faceand mark the chunk outline. Then excavatethe soil from the top, sides, and back ofthe chunk. After shaping the chunk witha knife, cut it off and carefully removeit.After removing the chunk sample fromthe hole, you need to seal it. One methodis to apply three coats of melted paraffin,as shown in figure 15-11. Each coat is al-lowed to cool and become firm before thenext coat is applied. This gives adequateprotection for strong samples that will beused within a few days. When the samplesare weak or may not be used within afew days, wrap them with cheesecloth orother soft cloth and seal them with paraf-fin (fig. 15-12). If cloth is not available,you can reinforce the sample with severalloops of friction tape or twine. Then applythree coats of paraffin. Take extra precaution inthese operations so that the sample is notdamaged.Another method is to dip the entire sam-ple in melted paraffin after the first brushcoat is applied and the sample is wrapped(fig. 15-13). This requires a larger containerand more paraffin. However; this method pro-vides a more uniform coating that, by repeateddippings, can be built up to 1/8 in. or more inthickness.When samples are to shipped, as froma construction battalion’s remote detail siteto the battalion’s main body site, additionalprotection is required. This can be accom-plished by applying many coats of paraf-fin or by placing the chunk in a small15-12
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