Figure 6-78.-Sill detail for a double-hung window.A window schedule on the constructiondrawings gives the dimensions, type, such ascasement, double-hung, and so forth, and thenumber of lights (panes of glass) for eachwindow in the structure. A window might belisted on the schedule as, for example, No. 3,DH, 2 ft 4 in. by 3 ft 10 in, 12 LTS. Thismeans that window No. 3 (it will have thisnumber on any drawing in which it is shown)is a double-hung window with a finishedopening, measuring 2 ft 4 in. by 3 ft 10 in.and having 12 lights of glass. In any viewin which the window appears, the arrangementof the lights will be shown. On one ofthe lights, a figure such as 8/10 will appear.This means that each light of glass has nominaldimensions of 8 by 10 in.Figure 6-79 shows a double-hung window sashand the names of its parts.Figure 6-79.-Parts of a double-hung window sash.6-45
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