bituminous pavement on a 150-foot by 600-foot parking
lot. The unit weight (which usually ranges from 140 to
160 pcf) should be determined from laboratory testing
when possible; however, when the unit weight is not
known, an estimated weight of 160 pcf maybe used. In
this example, lets assume a unit weight of 147 pcf. From
this, we can estimate the tons of plant mix required by
substitution into the above formula as follows:
600 x 150 x 2 x 147
= 1,102.5 tons.
12 x 2000
Then if we include a loss factor of, lets say 5 percent,
we will need 1,158 tons of plant mix for this parking lot.
Now, lets assume that this same parking lot is to be
laid over a compacted-soil subbase. In this case, we will
need a prime coat also. The prime coat is a low-viscosity
liquid bitumen that is sprayed on the subbase. It provides
a seal and promotes adhesion between the subbase and
the pavement. To estimate the amount of bitumen
required for the prime coat, multiply the area to be
treated by the rate of application The estimate should
include enough bitumen for an additional width of 1 foot
on each side of the pavement. A formula for estimating
the number of gallons of primer needed is as follows:
L =
W =
AR =
Gallons =
L x W x A R
Length of paved area in feet
Width of paved area in feet
Application rate of bitumens in gallons
per square yard
So, if the project specs for the parking lot we have
been discussing call for an application rate of 0.3 gallons
of prime coat per square yard of surface and if we
assume a 5 percent loss factor, how many gallons of
primer will be required? You can try this one on your
During World War II when bases were constructed
across the island chains of the Pacific Ocean, it became
apparent that significant savings in both time and
material could be realized if units of materials,
equipment, and personnel required to perform specific
functions were standardized. This was the beginning of
the Advanced Base Functional Components (ABFC)
System that is still in use today. In this section we will
briefly discuss the ABFC System and the Facilities
Planning Guide, NAVFAC P437.
A thorough discussion of the Advanced Base
Functional Components System may be found in the
Naval Construction Force (NCF) Manual, NAVFAC
P-315, and in volume II of the Facilities Planning
Guide, NAVFAC P-437. Briefly, however, the overall
ABFC System comprises a preplanned collection of
individual functional components, each of which is
designed and organized to perform a specific function
at an advanced base. These functional components are
given code numbers and names to indicate their
function; for example, Component P-26 is a Seabee
Team, and Component N-24A is a 750-man tent camp.
By using the ABFC System, planners for logistics,
facilities, and construction can readily identify the
equipment, facilities, materials, construction effort, and
other pertinent information that is needed for each
component. The basic document that identifies all of this
data is the NAVFAC P-437.
The Facilities Planning Guide, NAVFAC P-437, is
the basic tool that you should consult when tasked to
assist in planning the construction of an advanced base.
This document identifies the structures and supporting
utilities of the Navy ABFC System. It was developed to
make preengineered facility designs and corresponding
material lists available to planners at all levels. While
these designs relate primarily to expected needs at
advanced bases and to the Navy ABFC System, they can
also be used to satisfy peacetime requirements.
Facilities, logistic, and construction planners will each
find the information required to select and document the
material necessary to construct facilities.
NAVFAC P437 consists of two volumes. Although
it may seem unusual to do so, lets first discuss
volume II.
Volume II
Volume II of the P-437 is organized into three parts.
Part 1 (Components) contains data displays foreachof
the ABFC components and is indexed by code number.
These data displays list and describe the facilities that
make up each ABFC component. Figure 5-3 is an