A2. Superelevation.
A3. Final cross sections.
Chapter 4
A1. (A) Architectural, (B) civil (C) mechanical, (D) structural.
A2. D.
A3. The roles of the condenser and evaporators can be reversed so that the
heat pump can be used for both heating and cooling.
A4. Temperature, humidity, and air motion. (Source: Utilitiesman 3,
NAVEDTRA 12532, page 10-41.)
A5. Policy and Procedures for Project Drawing and Specification
Preparation, MIL-HDBK-1006/1.
A6. Centimeter. (Source: MIL-HDBK-1006/1.)
A7. Vertical.
A8. The letter P. (Source: MIL-HDBK-1006/1.)
A9. Never.
A10. To make sure the drawing can be clearly reproduced.
Chapter 5
A1. NAFACENGCOM guide specifications.
A2. Specifications take precedence over drawings.
A4. Division 2: Site Work
A5. Part 3: Execution.
A6. Seabee Planners and Estimator Handbook, NAVFAC P-405.
A7. 94 cubic meters.
A8. 5 percent. (Source: Seabee Planners and Estimators Handbook,
NAFAC P-405, appendix C.)
A9. Facilities Planning Guide, NATFAC P-437.
A10. Volume II, Part 3 (Assemblies).
Chapter 6
A1. The vertical axis.
A2. Three times.
A3. To make the line of sight parallel to the horizontal axis of the instrument
so that the line of sight will generate a true horizontal plane when the
instrument is rotated about the vertical axis.
A4. To enable you to use any point on the vertical cross hair when you are
measuring angles or running lines.
A5. Only when a low degree of accuracy can be tolerated and an adjustment
cannot be made immediately.