Bituminous-pavement materials, 13-35 to 13-39
Advanced base functional components, 5-8 to 5-11
aggregate tests, 13-45 to 13-48
Airfields, 3-15 to 3-19
airfield surveys, 10-25 to 10-26
surfaces, 3-17 to 3-19
terminology, 3-15 to 3-17
Area computations, 7-14 to 7-24
area by trapezoidal rule, 7-19 to 7-20
coordinate method, 7-17 to 7-19
counting squares, 7-20
DMD method, 7-15 to 7-17
double parallel distance method, 7-17
parcels that include curves, 7-21 to 7-24
planimeter method, 7-20 to 7-21
Astronomy, 15-2 to 15-14
astronomical tables, 15-7 to 15-10
astronomical triangle, 15-7
celestial system, 15-4
declination, 15-11, 15-18
horizon system, 15-4 to 15-7
local hour angle, 15-13
meridian angle, 15-14
polar distance, 15-14
terrestrial system, 15-2 to 15-4
time diagram, 15-11 to 15-13
zenith distance, 1-14
Barometric leveling, 7-1
Beaman stadia arc, 8-7 to 8-8
Bearing tests, 13-10 to 13-15
CBR test, 13-11 to 13-15
penetration test, 13-13 to 13-15
Bituminous cements, 13-35 to 13-39
asphalts, 13-36, 13-41
characteristics, 13-39 to 13-41
cutbacks, 13-36 to 13-38, 13-41
emulsions, 13-38, 13-42
field identification, 13-41 to 13-42
laboratory tests, 13-42 to 13-45
road tars, 13-38 to 13-39, 13-42
Bituminous mix design, 13-48 to 13-51, 17-10 to
cold-mix pavement test, 17-21 to 17-22
density and voids determination, 13-49
job-mix formula, 17-21
Marshall method, 17-11 to 17-21
procedures, 17-11
stability and flow determination, 13-49 to 13-50
surface area method, 17-22
Bituminous stabilization, 18-7 to 18-8
mix design, 18-8
soil gradation, 18-7
types of bitumen, 18-8
Bridge construction, 1-1 to 1-5
abutments, 2-1
bents, 1-3
flooring, 1-4
piers, 1-4
stringers, 1-4
Cement identification tests, 13-20
Cement types, 13-19
Chain of polygons, 15-25