Figure 2-7.—Anchors.proper anchoring and guying of pole lines is essential.These precautions also help to support poles that are setin sandy or swampy ground, and they counteract addedstrains caused by the elements, such as high winds,snow, and ice.Various types of guy anchors have been developedto hold imposed loads securely in varying soilconditions. Some of these types are shown in figure 2-7.There are many different uses of guys, some ofwhich are shown in figures 2-8 through 2-13. Eachusage has its own terminology as follows:1. DOWN GUYS. The most common type of guyis the down guy. With this type of guy, the wire is runfrom the top of the pole to an anchor in the ground. Somecommon uses of the down guys areas follows:a. SIDE GUY. A side guy (fig. 2-8) is used toreinforce a pole line against an unbalanced side pull ofthe conductors. Such pulls are developed at curves,angles, or sharp turns in the line.Figure 2-8.—Side guy.2-7
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