Q1.Q2.Q3.Q4.Q5.Q6.Q7.Figure 10-36.—Profile and cross-section levels.QUESTIONSInto what three phases are route surveys usuallybroken?For what reasons should overhead electricalpole lines be located on the side of a street thatis most free from other lines and trees?As it relates to the surface drainage of water,what does the term “runoff” mean?Refer to figure 10-3. What is the invert of the pipeat station 1 + 50?Refer to the field notes shown in figure 10-36.Assuming the road is 30 feet wide, what is the (a)area of the cross section at station 6 +00 and (b)volume between stations 6 + 00 and 6 + 50?As related to muss diagrams, what is the limit ofeconomic haul?In which of the following ways does an as-builtsurvey performed for the purpose of verifying thelocation of points as they are constructed in thefield differ from an as-built survey that is per-formed for the purpose of monitoring construc-tion progress?a. The amount of time allowed to perform thesurveyb. The equipment used to perform the surveyc. The degree of accuracy requiredQ8. When staking out a sewer line, at what intervalof distance should you usually set the center-linestakes or the offset hubs?Q9. Refer to figure 10-29. What is the sine of theanglee that you should turn from station 10 +38.83 to locate pile No. 8?Q10. In land surveying, when a metes-and-boundsdescription is being prepared, what may beadded to the bearings of the boundary lines tohelp in retracing the lines?10-37
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