flooding. Following these routes also makes it difficult
to deliver materials.
6. Avoid disrupting the environment. Taking into
consideration environmental codes and regulations, the
engineer should select routes that cause the least
disturbance to the environment. The engineer should
also consider aesthetics when reviewing possible routes.
The following text discusses the types of electrical
distribution drawings that you may prepare when you
are assisting the engineering officer in a construction
battalion or when assigned to the engineering division
of a public works department.
Electrical Distribution Plans
The type and extent of information placed on an
electrical distribution plan depends on the purpose of the
plan. Figure 2-14 is a distribution plan for a Navy
activity that is taken from that activitys master plan. As
you can see, it shows the routes of the distribution
circuits, but it only identifies them as aboveground or
belowground. For this plan, you would find a brief
narrative description of the circuits located in the text of
the master plan.
Obviously, a drawing of the type shown in figure
2-14 is of little use to an engineer or lineman who
requires specific information about the distribution
system. For this purpose, you should prepare a detailed
electrical distribution plan. The detailed plan is drawn
using the proper electrical symbols found in ANSI
Y32.9. Similar to figure 2-14, the detailed plan shows
all buildings and facilities and the routing of the
distribution lines. In addition and as applicable to the
type of system you are drawing, you also should include
the following information:
1. The source of power (power plant, public
utility line, substation, or standby generator with
electrical data).
2. The number, type, and size of underground
conduit or cable ducts and the size, number, voltage, and
type of cable.
3. Where cable runs are made without installed
ducts, indicate the location, dimensions, and description
of splice boxes.
4. Identify and describe all electrical manholes
and handholes by location, identification number, type,
dimensions, and top and invert elevations.
5. Describe all transformer vaults, either above-
ground or belowground, with dimensions, top and invert
elevations, numbers, type, and electrical data.
6. Electrical data for all substations.
7. The location
8. The number,
overhead conductors.
9. The location,
and height of all poles.
and type of all sectionalizing
size, type, and voltage of all
identification, material, class,
10. The number and rating of all pole-mounted
11. Street-lighting systems, light standards, type,
and rating of lights.
12. The number, size, voltage, and type of street-
lighting circuits.
13. Note any buildings containing street-lighting
transformers and control equipment together with type
and rating of transformers.
To simplify the drawing, it is common practice to
place much of the above information in appropriate
schedules. For example, in an overhead distribution
plan, you need only show the location and identification
number of the poles on the plan. The material, class, and
height of the poles can be placed in a pole schedule that
is listed by the pole identification numbers.
Site Plans
Site plans are discussed in the EA3 TRAMAN. As
you should recall from your study of that training
manual, a site plan furnishes the essential data for
laying out a proposed facility. It shows property
boundaries, contours, roads, sidewalks, existing and
proposed buildings or structures, references, and
other significant physical features, such as existing
utility lines. For small, uncomplicated buildings, you
can often show all proposed electrical and other new
utility lines on the same site plan. For the average
facility, however, it is common practice to prepare
separate utility plans that are included, as applicable,
in the plumbing and electrical divisions of a set of
project plans.