The evaluation of a readiness inspection is basedupon how well the ship’s personnel and material areready to carry out the ship’s mission. The seniorobserver for each department recommends a tentativeoverall grade for the department. The type commanderor his designated subordinate awards a final grade thataims at uniformity for the type. The grading system isas follows:Outstanding(95.0 - 100)Excellent(88.0 - 94.9)Good(75.0 - 87.9)Satisfactory(62.0 - 74.9)Unsatisfactory(0.0 - 61.9)No superior ships in the type to theknowledge of the inspector.Few minor deficiencies. So markedlyabove the required minimumstandards as to be among the fewbest.Some minor deficiencies, but aboverequired minimum standards.At required minimum. Capable ofperforming assigned functions.Below required minimum due to avital or critical deficiency or aculmination of minor deficiencies.In the following paragraphs, we’ll discuss each ofthe three types of inspections: administrative, material,and operational readiness.Administrative InspectionAn administrative inspection evaluates how well aship implements prescribed administrative procedures.Consult current type commander directives whenpreparing an administrative inspection. Anadministrative inspection reviews the generaladministration of the ship as a whole.An administrative inspection of the engineeringdepartment is primarily an inspection of thedepartmental paper work. This includes publications,bills, tiles, books, records, and logs. However, theinspection will also include other items such as thecleanliness and preservation of machinery andengineering spaces, the training of personnel, theassignment of personnel to watches and duties, theproper posting of operating instructions and safetyprecautions, the adequacy of warning signs and guards,the marking and labeling of lines and valves, and theproper maintenance of operating logs. The followingitems will be graded for the engineering department:llllllllCleanliness, sanitation, smartness, andappearance of the departmentAppearance, bearing, and smartness of personnelAdequacy and condition of clothing andequipment of personnelGeneral knowledge of personnel in regard to theship’s organization, orders, and administrativeproceduresDissemination of all necessary informationamong the personnelIndoctrination of newly reporting personnelGeneral educational facilities for individualsComfort and conveniences of living spaces,including adequacy of light, heat, ventilation, andfresh water, with due regard for economyMaterial InspectionA material inspection evaluates the actual materialcondition of a ship, including the proper functioning ofall equipment, machinery, and fittings. The inspectionhelps to determine whether proper procedures havebeen followed. If the inspection shows a need, theinspecting team will recommend repairs, alterations,changes, or developments that will ensure the materialreadiness of the ship.The type commander’s material inspection will besimilar to that made by the INSURV board discussedlater in this chapter. The inspection should be thoroughand searching, and it should cover detailed maintenanceand repair rather than general appearance. There shouldbe little duplication of effort between the administrativeinspections and material inspections. The maintenancerecords and reports should show the current data andhistory the inspection team needs to understand thecondition of machinery and equipment.The following paragraphs contain a brief listing ofthe requirements for material readiness that should beevident to the inspection team through records or directobservation.. Establish routines according to typecommanders’ instructions for inspections and tests,schedules for preventive maintenance, and a system fortimely and effective repairs.. Keep adequate material maintenance recordsaccording to current directives; these should show the4-9
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