complete, the forms are inserted in the
The form shown in figure 2-16 is a standard form to
be used when reporting failed or replaced boiler
pressure parts. The form (NAVSEA 9510/2), together
with any required samples of deposits, tubes, and boiler
water, should be forwarded to the nearest shipyard or
repair facility for analysis and report.
If the tube failure is unusual and there is doubt of
the cause, send the tubes and report to the Naval Ships
Engineering Center, Philadelphia Division (formerly
Naval Boiler and Turbine Laboratory). Send them
according to current instructions issued by
When filling out the Boiler Tube Casualty Report,
always use standard terminology to provide meaningful
information on the nature and causes of the damage. If
you cannot determine the exact type of damage,
remember and use the following terms to help you.
RUPTURE describes all openings associated
with tube enlargement;
l PERFORATION describes openings other than
cracks that are not associated with tube enlargement;
. CRACK describes a longitudinal or
circumferential separation where there is no appreciable
tube enlargement.
If it is necessary to submit samples in connection
with boiler pressure part damage, follow current
instructions issued by NAVSEASYSCOM. Here are a
few tips on how to prepare and submit samples:
. Samples of damaged pressure parts must be
obtained as nearly as possible in their original form. A
complete tube section containing an example of the
metal damage makes a good sample.
. Cut sample tubes into convenient lengths for
shipping, but mark them CLEARLY for reassembly. Do
NOT use oil for cutting a tube that is to be submitted as
a sample. Cut sample tubes so the damaged area will not
be cut, burned, or otherwise disfigured.
. A poorly labeled sample is nearly worthless.
Mark tube sections with paint to show the side toward
the furnace, the top and bottom orientation of the tube,
the distance of the rupture, crack, or fault from the
furnace floor or roof (if the complete tube is not
forwarded), and the steam drum end. Also, use paint to
show the relationship of each section to the other
sections of the tube, the boiler number, the name of the
ship, and any other necessary information. The marking
must not cover or contaminate the damaged area Do
NOT submit tube samples with paper tags tied onto
them; when paper tags are used, they generally become
lost or disfigured long before the sample arrives at its
. The best way to submit a sample of a tube deposit
is usually to submit a section of the tube with the deposit
still in place. If for some reason this cannot be done,
separate the deposit sample from the metal. Use a sharp
instrument that can take the entire thickness of the
deposit down to the sound metal. As a last resort, you
can take deposit samples by scraping or brushing.
However, samples taken in this way are broken up and
frequently contaminated with other material. They
provide limited useful information.
. Forward deposit samples in clean bottles or cans.
Permanently mark the container with all the required
identifying information.
. Take a 1-gallon sample of boiler water while the
boiler is being emptied or just before it is emptied and
submit it with samples of waterside deposits. Be sure the
bottle is clean before the sample is collected Fill the
bottle almost to the top; stopper it tightly; and label it
clearly with all identifying information, including
information on recent water tests and water treatment.
. When you submit samples for analysis, send an
explanatory letter with them. Include information on the
circumstances under which the failure occurred, the
cause of the failure (if known), the firing rate at the time,
the number of steaming hours since the last waterside
cleaning, and any other pertinent formation.
Boiler Tube Renewal Sheets, often called Boiler
Tube Data Sheets, should be used to keep a record of
defective tubes and of renewed tubes. Boiler Tube
Renewal Sheets are available for most boilers now in
naval use. Figure 2-17 illustrates this form for a
Babcock & Wilson double-furnace boiler; figure 2-18,
A and B, shows the form for a Foster Wheeler
single-furnace boiler. If Boiler Tube Renewal Sheets
are not available for a particular boiler, similar forms
can be prepared from the boiler plans.