The Mk 2 marine smoke signal (fig. 3-8) is intended
The Mk 1 marine illumination signal (fig. 3-7) is a
primarily for signaling between ships and aircraft. It
general-purpose signal fired from the AN-M8
consists of a parachute-suspended red smoke display
pyrotechnic pistol. The Mk 1 signal is available in two
that persists for 20 to 30 seconds at a minimum height of
versions: the Mod 0 and the Mod 1. The Mod 0
500 feet. The Mk 2 smoke signal is fired from the AN-
produces a red, green, or yellow 7- to 1 l-second star that
M8 pyrotechnic pistol and functions much the same as
falls free and leaves a trail of white light, similar to a
comet. The Mod 1 produces a 20- to 30-second
AN-M8 Pyrotechnic Pistol
parachute-suspended red star. Both rounds are expelled
from the pyrotechnic pistol by an auxiliary explosive to
The AN-M8 pyrotechnic pistol (fig. 3-9) is similar
to the Mk 5 pyrotechnic pistol. It can be used with a
an approximate altitude of 30 feet. A rocket motor then
number of shotgun-shell-shaped signals. The AN-M8
ignites to propel the signal to a minimum height of 500
pyrotechnic pistol is loaded and fired in much the same
feet. It is stabilized in flight by folded fins that spring
fashion as the Mk 5. To open the breech for loading and
out once the signal is fired. At the end of its burn, the
unloading, raise the breechblock and pivot the hinged
rocket propellant ignites an expelling charge and the
barrel down. The same safety and maintenance
procedures also apply.
Figure 3-7.--The Mk 1 marine illumination signal.