Another feature of harbor salvage is harbor
cargo, loss of rudder or propeller, and battle
clearance away from the combat area. A great deal of
this type of salvage was performed during World War II.
HARBOR SALVAGE. Harbor salvage consists
OFFSHORE SALVAGE. Offshore salvage is
of salvaging ships, removing wreckage, and
concerned with refloating vessels stranded or
general salvage work in harbors. Collision is the
sunk in exposed locations along a coast.
chief cause of damage to ships in a harbor. After
Strandings occur as the result of many factors,
a collision, either one or both ships may be sunk
such as weather, errors in navigation, poor
seamanship, improper ship handling, and
or beached. One of the ships may sink in the
engineering problems.
main channel, blocking the channel completely;
or it may sink alongside the best pier, preventing
COMBAT SALVAGE. Combat salvage
cargo unloading. You can be sure of one thing,
consists of services rendered to an amphibious
assault force and is not limited to salvage alone.
the Navy will be called upon to provide a salvage
These services are performed by a combat
ship or salvage team. (In wartime, salvage teams
salvage group composed of one or more salvage
are activated.)
teams and salvage vessels of all types. This
Weather is another major enemy to ships in a
group is manned and equipped to rescue
harbor. Often a storm strikes without warning, catching
personnel, retrieve stranded craft from the beach,
harbor craft and barges with single lines out and ships
make emergency repairs ashore or afloat, fight
anchored with insufficient chain. The results are
fires, give emergency supplies, aid in damage
beached barges, sunken harbor craft, and stranded
control afloat, tow disabled craft, perform
underwater surveys, and do general repair work.