2. Firing mechanism
Unloading the M14 Rifle
3. Stock with butt plate assembly
To unload the M14 rifle, proceed as follows:
4. Handguard assembly
1. Push the safety to the SAFE (back) position:
5. Operating rod and connector group
2. Grasp the magazine with your thumb on the
6. Bolt assembly
magazine latch, and squeeze the latch to release it. Push
the magazine forward and downward to disengage it
7. Barrel and receiver group
from the front catch, and then remove it from the
To withdraw the firing mechanism (No. 2 in fig.
magazine well, as shown in the right-hand view of
2-23) from the stock, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the magazine.
3. Pull the operating rod handle all the way to the
rear and lock it using the bolt catch.
2. Place the safety in the SAFE position after
4. Inspect the chamber to make sure it is clear.
making sure the rifle is cocked.
The rifle is clear only when no round is in the
3. Disengage the hooked end of the trigger guard
chamber, the magazine is out, the safety is set (to the
from the firing mechanism housing.
rear), and the bolt is in the REAR position.
4. Swing the trigger guard away from the stock
(but do not rotate it more than 90 degrees), and pull
Field-Stripping the M14 Rifle
straight away from the stock to draw out the firing
into seven group assemblies. You should be able to
To remove a stock with a butt plate assembly after
disassemble the rifle to this extent for cleaning,
removing the firing mechanism, proceed as follows:
lubrication, and maintenance. This procedure is called
1. Grasp the receiver firmly with one hand and
field-stripping the rifle. The names of the numbered
strike the butt of the stock sharply with the palm of the
2. Lift the stock from the barrel and receiver group.
1. Magazine
Figure 2-23.--Group assemblies of the M14 rifle.