Figure 2-3.--.45-cal. M1911A1 semiautomatic pistol: A. Slide closed; B. Slide open.
semiautomatic pistol (SAP) or a .45-cal. autoloading
Colt (the manufacturer) pistol (ACP). This text will
refer to it as a .45-cal. pistol.
Care of the .45-Cal. pistol includes daily preventive
maintenance, prefiring cleaning, and postfiring
The magazine holds seven rounds when fully
cleaning. For daily maintenance the pistol need not be
loaded; one round is fired with each squeeze of the
disassembled; but, for the prefiring and postfiring
trigger. Rifling in the barrel is machined for a left-hand
cleaning, the pistol should be disassembled.
twist (the only Navy weapon with left-hand rifling).
Empty, the pistol weighs approximately 2 1/2 pounds. It
has a maximum range of a little over 1,600 yards and a
normal care and cleaning, and after the weapon has been
maximum effective range of about 50 yards.