CAPSTAN --A vertical shaft machine used for
ABOARD --Within or on the ship. The sailor's term;
handling lines or wires on a drum.
landsmen use on "board".
CARRY AWAY--The act of breaking loose.
ANCHOR AT SHORT STAY--The anchor chain is
out at a minimum length with the anchor still
CHAIN PIPE--Pipe leading from the forecastle deck
to the chain locker.
ANCHOR BUOY--A small float attached to the
CLEAT--A device for belaying a line or wire,
anchor by a line to mark the anchor's location if the
consisting essentially of a pair of prolonged horns.
chain is slipped or parted.
CLOSE UP--The act of hoisting a flag to, or in, its
ANCHOR IN SIGHT--A report made by the anchor
highest position.
detail to the bridge when the anchor is first sighted
as it is brought in.
COCKLE--A kink in an inner yarn of rope, forcing the
yarn to the surface.
ANCHOR IS CLEAR--When the anchor is first clear
of the water and there is nothing fouling it or on it.
DAY BEACON--An unlighted structure that serves as
a daytime aid to navigation.
ANCHOR IS FOULED--The anchor has picked up a
cable, debris, rock or coral, or is wrapped in its own
DAYMARK --The identifying characteristics of a day
beacon. Also, the shape or signal displayed by a
vessel to indicate a special purpose, such as fishing,
ANCHOR IS SHOD--The anchor is covered with
mud or bottom.
laying cable, and dredging.
ANCHOR'S AWEIGH--The anchor has lifted clear
DIP THE EYE--To arrange the eyes of mooring lines
of the bottom.
on bitts or bollards so one line dips into the eye of
the other so that either line may be removed without
AN/SLQ-37--The magnetic/acoustic minesweeping
disturbing the other.
system aboard the MCM 1 Class ship.
FAKE--The act of disposing of a line, wire, or chain by
ANSLQ-38--The mechanical minesweeping system
laying it out in long, flat bights laid one alongside
aboard the MCM 1 Class ship.
the one another.
AVAST--Stop; cease; as in "Avast heaving".
FLUKES--board arms or palms of an anchor. The part
BECKET --The fitting on a block to which the dead
of the anchor that digs into the bottom.
end of the fall is attached.
GANTLINE --Line used as a single whip for hoisting
BELAY--The act of securing a line to a cleat, a set of
and lowering a boatswain's chair or one end of a
bitts, or any other fixed point. In connection with an
order or announcement, express the ideas to
disregard, as in "Belay that last order".
GROMMET--Areinforced hole in a sail or awning. A
grommet can be fashioned with line or made of
BIGHT --A loop of rope, line, or chain.
BOAT FALLS--The rig used to hoist or lower small
HAWSER --Any line over 5 inches in diameter.
HEAVE --To throw, as to heave the lead or heaving
BOLLARD --A strong cylindrical upright on a pier,
line. To haul in, especially by some powered
around which the eye or bight of a ship's mooring
heaving engine.
line is placed.