Upon completing this chapter, you should be able do to the following:
1. Recall general minesweeping safety precautions.
3. Explain the safe handling of explosive cutters.
4. Recall the safety precautions for moored minesweeping, influence minesweeping,
and cold weather minesweeping.
5. Describe man-overboard procedures during minesweeping operations.
The following paragraphs divide the numerous
safety precautions into specific precautions, general
precautions, and other precautions:
wide variety of specialized equipment to counter a wide
variety of mines. Much of this equipment is heavy and
cumbersome and, therefore, dangerous to use. As a
Mineman, you must know and understand the safety
Specific safety precautions pertain to the following
precautions associated with the equipment to prevent
injury to yourself or others.
This chapter provides safety information that all
A responsible safety observer must be stationed
MCM minesweeper personnel should know concerning
on the fantail during all streaming and recovery
minesweeping operations. It includes specific and
general safety precautions, as well as safety precautions
A Hospital Corpsman ready to render first aid
must be stationed on the 01 level during all
minesweeping, influence minesweeping, the explosive
streaming and recovery operations.
cutter, cold weather, and man-overboard procedures.
The petty officer in charge of the minesweeping
operation must be in a location that allows him to
communicate directly with all winch and crane
operators during all minesweeping operations.
Before a minesweeping operation begins, all
Personnel assigned to the sweep detail must wear
personnel concerned should be briefed on the operation
construction-type safety helmets with quick-
and given a thorough safety review. Additionally,
acting breakaway chin straps fastened and worn
designated personnel must ensure that the ship's
under the chin. Phone talkers must wear
degaussing system is working properly both before and
standard phone talker helmets. Safety helmets
throughout the minesweeping operation.