Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
1. Recall the types and designations of shipboard magazines, and the security
measures and inspection criteria associated with shipboard magazines.
2. Describe the purpose and functioning of shipboard magazine sprinkler sys-
tems. Identify the primary components of magazine sprinkler systems, in-
cluding various control valves, gauges, and alarm systems.
Primary Magazines
In this chapter we will discuss only shipboard
Primary magazines are designed as ammunition
magazines and their sprinkler system. For information
stowage spaces, generally located below the main deck
on shore magazines, refer to Mineman, Volume 3.
and usually below the waterline. They are adequately
equipped with insulation, ventilation, and sprinkler
A magazine is any compartment, space, or locker
systems and are provided with fittings so they may be
used, or intended to be used, for the stowage of
locked securely. Primary magazines can accommodate
explosives or ammunition of any kind. A term always
a vessel's complete allowance of ammunition for
associated with a magazine is magazine area. A
peacetime operation.
magazine area includes the magazine itself and any
spaces or passages containing magazine entrances
Ready-Service Magazines
intended to be used for the handling and passing of
Ready-service magazines are spaces physically
explosive stowages, including loaded ammunition
convenient to the weapons they serve. They provide
lighters, trucks, and railroad cars, where special safety
measures are required.
allowance. Normally they are equipped with insulation,
ventilation, and ammunition sprinkler systems, and are
Magazines are physically located for ease of
secured by locking. The combined capacities of the
receiving and issuing explosives, the best obtainable
primary and ready-service magazines are normally
protection (security), and the most favorable stowage
sufficient to hold the ship's allowance for war and
Regardless of its type, each magazine is marked by
a label plate showing its compartment number and the
There are several types of magazines on ships;
type of ammunition it is designed to contain.
among these are primary, ready-service, missile, locker,
and chemical. Each type is designed specifically for a
particular type of ammunition. In this TRAMAN, we
will limit our discussion to primary magazines and
Magazines are designated according to the type of
ready-service magazines.
explosive they contain. Recall from above that each