separate section of the magazine log is usually set aside
Records of Magazine Temperature Inspections
to record the results of the monthly sprinkler system
Like other maintenance procedures, magazine
inspections have records that must be maintained. The
most common written records are the daily magazine
temperature report form and the magazine temperature
Sprinkler systems are used for emergency cooling
and fire fighting in magazines, ready-service rooms,
considered as records of magazine inspections.
The magazine temperature record is a card posted in
magazine sprinkler system is a network of pipes secured
each magazine. Each day, the inspector enters the
to the overhead and connected by a sprinkler system
maximum and minimum temperatures for the previous
control valve to the ship's continually pressurized
24 hours in that magazine, The card is replaced every
saltwater firemain. The pipes are fitted with sprinkler
month, and the old one is turned over to the weapons
head valves arranged so the water forced through them
showers all parts of the magazine or ammunition- and
missile-handling areas.
The daily magazine temperature report summarizes
the results of magazine inspections for the whole ship.
A modern sprinkler system can wet down all
This form includes not only spaces for entering the
exposed bulkheads at the rate of 2 gallons per minute
highest and lowest magazine temperatures, but also for
per square foot and can sprinkle the deck area at the rate
reporting the condition of the magazines and their
of 4 gallons per minute per square foot. Magazine
ventilating devices, and (under REMARKS) for
sprinkler systems are designed to completely flood their
miscellaneous, nondaily routine work.
designated spaces within an hour. To prevent
The daily magazine temperatures are transferred
unnecessary flooding of adjacent areas, all
from the record cards to a magazine log that is a
compartments equipped with sprinkler systems are
watertight. Upper deck-handling and ready-service
permanent record of all magazine temperatures. A
Figure 1-2.--A. The magazine temperature record; B. Daily magazine temperature report.