four personnel, in addition to the boat's crew, is lowered
the conning officer may put on enough turns (screw
to the water. All hands in the boat must wear life jackets
turns) to take the strain off the ground tackle.
and must be qualified second class swimmers.
On the command "HEAVE AROUND", the brake
The ship is maneuvered so it will come to a stop
is taken off and the chain is heaved in enough to take the
with the bow directly over the buoy. The boat comes
strain off the stopper. The stopper is cast off, and
alongside the buoy and two members of the buoy party
heaving around is resumed. Reports are made to the
get on the buoy. Then the crew members intheboat take
bridge periodically on the direction that the chain is
from the ship the ends of the dip rope, a messenger, and
tending, the amount of chain out, and what kind of strain
a mooring/buoy wire with a mooring shackle that is
is on the chain.
large enough to engage the ring on the buoy. The
If the command were "HEAVE AROUND TO
shackle pin is secured to the shackle with a lanyard to
SHORT STAY", the chain would be heaved in just short
prevent its loss. The wire is shackled to the ring, and the
of breaking out the anchor, as seen in view B of figure
dip rope is passed through the ring and tied to the
7-11. The bridge is notified when the chain is at short
messenger. Then the crew gets back into the boat, and
the boat clears the buoy.
When the command "HEAVE AROUND AND
Meanwhile, these mooring preparations are made
UP" is given, the chain will be heaved in. When the
on the forecastle: The anchor is disconnected, and the
flukes of the anchor have broken out and the crown still
mooring shackle is secured to the anchor chain. The dip
rests on the bottom, the bridge is notified "Anchor
rope is fastened to the chain a short distance above the
breaking ground", and then "Anchor is up and down",
shackle. The other end of the dip rope is pulled back
aboard by means of the messenger and is taken to the
capstan In the meantime, the mooring/buoy wire is
When the anchor is free from the bottom, the bridge
heaved taut. The mooring/buoy wire serves to hold the
is notified "Anchors aweigh", as seen in view D of
bow of the ship in position. The mooring shackle is
pulled into position by walking out the chain and
hauled down, and the underway ensign hauled smartly
heaving around on the dip rope. The buoy party again
to the truck.
gets on the buoy and secures the shackle to the ring.
When the anchor comes into view and its condition
Then the mooring/buoy rope is slacked off, unshackled,
can be noted, the report "Anchor in sight" is made. With
and the moor is complete.
this report, the bridge is told if the anchor is clear,
Trolley Method
fouled, or shod (meaning caked with mud and bottom).
The trolley method of mooring to a buoy is a simple
The anchor is reported as housed when the shank is
and rapid means of easing the bitter end of the chain
in the hawsepipe and the flukes are against the ship's
(controlled by an easing-out line) down to the mooring
side. The anchor buoy is recovered as soon as possible,
buoy by letting it slide on the wire shackled to the buoy.
and the report is made to the bridge when the anchor
buoy is on board.
The anchor is again made ready for letting go and
kept that way until the anchor detail is told to secure it
after the ship is outside the harbor or channel.
To secure the anchor for sea, the brake is set; then
the stoppers are passed and evened up (meaning that
they take equal strain). The brake is taken off; then the
chain is slacked between the wildcat and the stopper.
The brake is set and the wildcat is disengaged. To
prevent water from entering the chain locker, the
buckler plates are secured over the chain pipes (on some
ships, canvas chain pipe covers go over the plates).
When the ship is about 1,000 yards from the
mooring buoy, a boat containing a buoy party of three or