Figure 10-24.--Arms carry.
Figure 10-26.--Pack-strap carry.
Pack-Strap Carry
1. Lift the casualty off the ground as shown in the
first three steps of the fireman's carry (figs. 10-18
through 10-20).
2. Supporting the casualty with your arm around
him, grasp his wrist closest to you and place his arm over
Figure 10-25.--Saddleback carry.
your head and across your shoulders; then move in front
of him while supporting his weight against your back
2. Position your arms on the casualty, as shown in
grasp his other wrist, and place this arm over your
figure 10-24, and lift him into your arms.
shoulder (fig. 10-26, view A).
3. Carry the casualty high to lessen fatigue.
3. Bend forward and hoist him as high on your back
as possible so all his weight is resting on your back (fig.
10-26, view B).
Saddleback Carry
Back Lift and Carry
1. Lift the casualty off the ground as shown in the
first three steps of the fireman's carry (figs. 10-18
through 10-20).
For use of this carry, the casualty must be conscious
and able to stand on at least one leg.
2. Supporting the casualty with one of your arms
around him, turn so the casualty can encircle your neck
1. Raise the casualty to a standing position and
with his arms; then stoop, clasp your hands beneath his
place your back to his back; then have him stretch out
thighs, and raise him upon your back (fig. 10-25).
his arms sideways.