Figure 10-39.--Pressure points for control of bleeding.
blood. When the use of indirect pressure at a
groove on the inside of the arm and the elbow. Using
pressure point is necessary, do not substitute
either the fingers or the thumb, apply pressure to the
indirect pressure for direct pressure; use both.
inner aspect of the arm. Figure 10-39, view E, shows the
Figure 10-39 shows the locations of pressure
proper location for the digital pressure.
points and the area of bleeding they control.
The femoral artery is used to control severe bleeding
Pressure points on the arms (brachial pressure
from a wound on the lower extremity (leg). The pressure
points) and in the groin (femoral pressure
point is located in the front, center part of the crease in
points) are the ones that are most often used in
the groin area. This is where the artery crosses the pelvic
first-aid treatment. These pressure points
basin on the way into the lower extremity. To apply
should be thoroughly understood.
pressure, position the victim flat on his back, if possible.
Pressure on the brachial artery is used to control
Kneeling on the opposite side from the wounded limb,
place the heel of one hand directly on the pressure point,
severe bleeding from an open wound on the upper
extremity (arm). This pressure point is located in a
and lean forward to apply the small amount of pressure