Figure 11-6.-AN/PRC-104 controls and indicators.
therefore, communication is on a one-way reversible
(half-duplex) basis. The radio set with whip and handset
weighs 15.7 pounds.
BATTERY PACK.-- The radio set operates from a
nominal 28-volt dc battery pack with an acceptable
voltage input between 20 and 32 vdc. The battery pack
consists of 16 silver-zinc storage battery cells inside
the battery case and is usually latched to the other two
units; however, it may be connected to the
amplifier/coupler through the 3-foot Electrical Power
Cable Assembly CX-13031/PRC-104 (battery
extender cable). This connection permits extended
battery life by allowing the battery pack to be carried
by the operator under the protection of cold weather
clothing. Normal life of the battery pack is
approximately 16 hours of operation, assuming 10
percent transmit time. The silver-zinc battery is
charged using Battery Charger PP-6241/U via the
battery charger cable, Electrical Power Cable
Assembly CX-13032/PRC-104. For operation
without the battery pack, a dc power source can be
connected to the amplifier/coupler through the bench
test cable, Electrical Power Cable Assembly
Figure 11-7.--Radio set installation and setup.
FIXED-SITE OPERATION.-- When the tactical
situation permits, the effective range of the