reflected signal increases. When the returning signal
reaches a predetermined strength, the fuze explodes the
round. These fuzes are known as proximity or
VARIABLE TIME (VT) FUZES. The object that
reflects the signal is not necessarily the target. It maybe
any object that can reflect the signal. The VT fuze
explodes at a height of about 1 to 6 meters over normal
terrain; however, the better reflecting surfaces cause the
fuze to explode at a higher height and the poorer
reflecting surfaces at a lower height. Trees increase the
height of burst. Even clouds have caused the fuze to
Each member of the mortar squad is responsible for
certain equipment used in placing, firing, and
maintaining the 60-mm mortar. Leaders must conduct
frequent inspections to ensure that proper maintenance
is available for this equipment.
Mortar Squad Leader. The squad leader is
Figure 14-12.--Placing baseplate against baseplate stake.
responsible for all equipment issued to his squad. In
addition, this person carries the following items: a pair
of binoculars, a flashlight, and two baseplate stakes. The
well-trained crew should be able to prepare a mortar for
baseplate stakes, similar to a surveyor's hub stake, are
firing in approximately 1 minute.
an optional item. When the squad does not have a
communicator attached, the squad leader must also
Direct the initial fire of the mortar to the center of
carry a radio or field telephone and wire.
the target sector. The initial direction of fire is
determined by the section leader or given to them by the
Gunner (Crew Leader). The gunner is responsible
forward observer (FO) or by the fire direction center
for all equipment issued to his crew.
(FDC). The section leader points out the mortar position
Assistant Gunner. The assistant gunner is respon-
and announces the direction of fire to the squad leader.
sible for loading the mortar. He also carries several
The squad leader then places a baseplate stake where the
rounds of ammunition.
baseplate is to be positioned. The squad leader then
places a lensatic compass on the baseplate stake and
rotates the compass until he can sight along the
rounds of ammunition.
determined direction. He directs the ammo bearer to
place a direction stake into the ground at least 25 meters
rounds of ammunition.
from the baseplate stake along their line of sight. After
the direction stake has been placed, the number 1
ammunition bearer for the squad places the outer edge
of the baseplate against the baseplate stake, so the left
edge of the cutout portion of the baseplate is aligned with
Normally, the combat mission of the construction
the left edge of the stake (fig. 14-12).
battalion, and especially that of the mortar platoon, is of
a defensive nature. The mortars are set up within the
perimeter of the camp in improved, permanent
Emplace the baseplate by standing on it and rocking
nearby in readiness. However, the unit commander does
have authority to deploy these weapons in offensive
back and forth. Rotate the locking cap until the opening
missions and the following procedures relate to this type
in the cap points in the direction of the target. Place the
of deployment. By learning these simple procedures, a
base of the cannon into the cap opening. Rotate the