Soap and water is a basic preventive medicine; so
Take Care Of
keep clean. If water is scarce, collect rainwater, use dew,
Probably the most important part of any plan for
or simply rub yourself daily with a cloth or your bare
survival is the "take-care-of" phase. Maintain what you
hands. Pay attention to areas on your body that are
susceptible to rash and fungus infectionbetween your
have. There will not be reissue when your shoes wear
toes, your crotch, and your scalp.
out or your jacket is lost. Also, it is easier to maintain
good health than to regain it once you lose it.
Keeping clean also applies to your clothing. Use
soap and water when you can spare it. Hang your clothes
Put some of your clothing into your escape cache.
in the sun to air if soap and water are not available.
Watch the rest for early signs of wear and repair it with
Examine the seams of your clothing and hairy portions
improvised material, if necessary. A needle made from
of your body frequently for lice and their eggs. Lice
a thorn, nail, or splinter and threaded with unraveled
infected with disease can kill you. A possible way to get
cloth can mend a torn pair of trousers. Wood, canvas, or
laundry service or even a bath is to tell your guard that
cardboard bound to the soles of your shoes can save
you are infested with lice, whether or not your complaint
them from wear. Even paper can suffice as a reinforcing
is true. The prison authorities, fearing that lice on
insole when your shoes do wear through.
prisoners may cause an outbreak of disease among the
civilian and guard population, might provide this
Good physical health is essential to surival under
any circumstances. It is especially important in a POW
camp where living conditions are crowded and food and
In the event you become ill, report your condition
shelter inadequate. This means you must use every
to the camp authorities. The chance that you could
receive aid is well worth the try.
device possible to keep yourself well.