Figure 3-17.--MEDEVAC request.
MEDEVACed). Other functions of the battalion aid
station are to give further first aid, check for continued
hemorrhage, rebandage where needed, and apply
An ambulance is normally stationed at the
splints if needed. Seriously wounded casualties are
battalion aid station (BAS) and functions as far
given supportive therapy for shock in the form of
forward as the terrain and enemy activity permits. The
plasma and serum albumen in preparation of a
ambulance is primarily used to prevent the prolonged
MEDEVAC. Once the medical staff has determined
carrying of litters. When the ambulance is called
the priority of the casualties requiring a MEDEVAC
forward, explicit instructions are given as to routes
and those not expected to survive the flight, the COC
taken and the exact location to which it is to go.
is contacted and sends a MEDEVAC request to higher
Ambulances frequently draw enemy mortar and
authority. It is recommended that the chaplin is
artillery fire; therefore, they should not be brought up
available for those not expected to survive.
to an area under direct observation of the enemy.
The battalion aid station is the central location that
Once the MEDEVAC request has been sent to
higher authority, the COC will quickly activate the
all casualties are taken to before any type of
evacuation. Medical staff personnel are the only
security team. The security team (React Force) is
responsible for securing the LZ, establishing
personnel qualified in determining whether a casualty
must be evacuated (commonly referred to by the term
communication, landing, and assisting the loading of