We now know that contamination causes
casualties and restricts the use of equipment and
terrain. Decontamination reduces or eliminates the
hazard and permits units to continue their mission. We
also know the three levels of decontamination. We
will now discuss decontamination operations for each
level of decontamination.
Immediate decon techniques are initiated by the
individual Seabee, without command, once he or she
The individual Seabee uses his or her personal M291
or M258A1 skin decon kit to decontaminate exposed
skin. Next, they decontaminate their MOPP gear and
weapon, using the M280DKIE (decon kit, individual
equipment) or with an additional M291/M258A1 kit.
contamination removal only.
differently, but the principle is the same. Remove
personnel by brushing and/or using soap and water,
If chemical agents contact your skin, you must
take immediate action to decontaminate yourself.
Start the skin decon technique within 1 minute of
becoming contaminated. Some toxic chemical agents,
especially nerve agents, are rapidly absorbed by the
skin and can kill in minutes.
Individual decon kits (IDK), M291 or M258A1
Instructions and procedures are on the outside of the
Figure 6-1.--Decon techniques.
The solutions in the M258A1 kit are caustic. Keep
contamination on personnel, equipment/material,
them out of the eyes, nose, wounds, and mouth. Use
and/or working areas to the lowest possible level
water to wash toxic agent or decon solution out of the
eyes or wounds and seek medical treatment.
(negligible risk).
This permits the reduction or
Familiarize yourself with the operating instructions
removal of individual protective equipment and
for both kits because of the differences in the M258A1
maintains operations with the least degradation.
and M291 kits. The M258A1 uses a moist towelette
Thorough decon reduces CBR contamination levels to
with a decon solution, whereas the M291 uses a
a negligible risk.
There are two thorough decon
A l t h o u g h you cannot see liquid
techniques that Seabees use:
decontaminate during darkness. The M258A1 wipe 1
Detailed troop decon (DTD)
packet has an identifying tab that you can feel in the
Detailed equipment decon (DED)