freezes in their tracks with their weapons in the firing
are of little value to a unit in which the individual
Seabee lacks proficiency in the fundamental combat
2 . Different trails--If the guerrillas are
approaching on a route different from that of the Seabee
unit, the unit remains on the trail in a freeze position.
The unit leader signals Commence Firing when the
When a vehicle is forced to halt in the killing zone
guerrillas present a suitable target.
of an ambush, the debarkation of occupants must be
3. Same trail--On initially sighting the enemy, the
organized and predrilled. On order or signal, the
freeze is executed. The individual making the sighting
response must be immediate and each person must act
indicates the number of enemy by silent signal and then
swiftly to move to the proper position. Confusion is
moves off the trail. Each individual relays the signal
thus overcome and immediate offensive action against
and moves off the trail on the same side used by the
the enemy is more likely to be effective. When the
originator. It is essential that the entire unit move to the
vehicle is halted, the actions are as follows:
same side of the trail. Speed of execution and silent
1. If the vehicle is hardened, the vehicle
movements are mandatory. Any unnatural sound may
commander acts approxiately as previously discussed.
cause the guerrillas to turn and flee. Each member of
The vehicle commander then commands "DEPLOY
the unit takes up a firing position facing the direction of
RIGHT (OR LEFT)," to show the direction in which the
enemy approach. The unit leader initiates the ambush
occupants are to assemble after dismounting.
by firing his or her weapon. In the event the guerrillas
sight and fire upon a unit member other than the unit
2. Sentries throw smoke grenades and open fire
leader, that individual fires and springs the ambush.
immediately on the ambush positions. The grenadier,
if one is aboard the vehicle, fires on the ambush
3. Occupants, under cover of fire from the sentries,
The immediate assault is a tactic used during an
dismount over both sides of the vehicle and move to the
unexpected encounter at close quarters. It is a
side of the vehicle indicated in the command. As few
predrilled response to situations in which the
occupants as possible attempt to dismount over the
guerrillas and the Seabee unit become aware of each
tailgate of the vehicle.
other simultaneously. The immediate assault drill is a
rapidly executed frontal assault.
4. When the occupants have dismounted, the
sentries dismount under covering fire from troops on
1. The drill is usually initiated by the first member
the ground.
of the unit who sights the enemy. He or she fires at the
enemy and shouts a prearranged signal showing the
5. The driver and assistant driver dismount in the
direction of the encounter; for example, "enemy front
direction indicated by the vehicle commander.
(left, right), charge."
6. When all occupants are out of the vehicle, action
2. The signal is repeated by each individual.
is taken as previously mentioned in this chapter.
3. The unit adopts the line formation, oriented in
the indicated direction of contact. A predesignated
subordinate unit is withheld from the line to protect the
flanks and rear.
The freeze and hasty ambush is a drill designed to
deal with the meeting engagement. The drill is
4. The unit leader sounds a prearranged assault
undertaken when the unit has sighted guerrillas
approaching but has not yet been seen by them.
5. The assault is pressed forward until halted by
Immediate action is taken to ambush the guerrillas
the unit leader, usually when the guerrillas are no longer
when their approach is moving on a trail different or
the same used by the unit.
1. Freeze--When the guerrillas are sighted, the
unit is halted by silent signal, such as an arm and hand
or other prearranged special signal. The signal is
There is no generally accepted immediate action
relayed to each member of the unit, and each member
for foot troops when ambushed. Adherence to the