3. Via Block. The via block is used when one or
in the text of the letter. References are designated by
small letters enclosed in parentheses; for example, (a),
more activities outside your command should review
the communication or should provide an endorsement
(b), (c). Only those references that contribute to the
on it before it reaches its ultimate addressee. The via
understanding of the letter should be listed. References
block is placed on the line below the to line. When there
is more than one via addressee, each is numbered with
and documents that are available to the addressee but
Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses; for example,
also telephone conversations, meetings, and other
(1), (2), (3). These numerals indicate the order in which
the correspondence is to be sent. A via addressee may
used if they are not referred to in the body of the letter.
alter the list of the other via addressees, but the
When you cite correspondence in the reference block,
endorsement should include the reason for the
include the following information:
alteration. A copy of the letter, together with a copy of
a. The SNDL short title of the originator
each endorsement, is provided for each addressee.
Follow your chain of command when corresponding on
b. T h e t y p e o f c o r r e s p o n d e n c e ( l e t t e r,
substantive matters, such as command decisions, policy
memorandum, message)
issues, and official recommendations. Correspondence
c. The SSIC
should be routed through intermediate commands to
keep them informed, and allow them to comment on or
d. The originator's code (alone or combined
approve the basic communication. You may list any
with a serial number as shown in the
interested addressees in this block when you want them
referenced document)
to see a letter before it reaches the action addressee.
e. The date
Sometimes, there is not enough time for a letter to
6. Enclosure Block. Enclosures are listed in the
progress through all the via addressees before action by
the addressee is required. In that case, you may elect to
enclosure block in the order of appearance in the text of
take one of the following actions:
the letter. They are preceded by Arabic numerals in
parentheses and are identified in the same manner as a
a. Route the original communication through
reference; for example, (1), (2), (3). When enclosures
the via addresses as usual, but send an
must be sent under separate cover, add the designation
advance copy to the action addressee. To
SEP COV (separate cover) in parentheses after the
alert all activities involved, repeat the action
enclosure's entry in this block. Either a copy of the letter
addressee's SNDL short title in the copy-to
is sent with the material being transmitted under
block. Include the word advance in
separate cover or the complete identification of the letter
is included on the enclosure, if possible. A document
b. Route the original communication to the
should never be listed as both a reference and an
action addressee and, at the same time, send
enclosure in the same letter.
copies to all the via addressees. Include in
the text a statement that copies have been
Text Block
mailed to all addressees simultaneously and
that via addressees should forward
The text (body of the correspondence) is the
endorsements directly to the action
principal part of the letter and contains the thoughts the
addressee. Then repeat the SNDL short titles
writer desires to communicate. It is the reason for all of
of the via addressees in the copy-to block.
the other parts of the letter. The text must be worded so
that it unmistakably conveys the desired message.
4. Subject Block. The subject block of an
outgoing letter tells the reader what the letter is about in
Signature Block
approximately 10 words or less. In response to
incoming correspondence, the subject block of the reply
The signature block is typed or stamped in block
should be the same as that of the incoming letter, unless
style on the fourth line below the last line of the text,
a change is essential for clarity. The subject line starts
starting at the center of the page. All signature names
two lines below the previous line. Every letter after the
are typed in capitals at the end of a letter. The format of
colon should be capitalized.
the signature should be that which is preferred by the
5. Reference Block. The reference block includes
signer. Neither the grade nor the functional title of the
all references in the order in which they are mentioned
signing official is shown on the signature line itself, as