Figure 6-73-Interior doors: A. Flush; B. Panel (five-cross); C. Panel (colonial); D. Louvered; E. Folding—(louvered).Exterior doors are usually 1 3/4 in. thick and notless than 6 ft 8 in. high. The main entrance dooris 3 ft wide, and the side or rear door is normally2 ft 8 in. wide. The exterior trim used can varyfrom a simple CASING (the trim used around theedges of door openings and also as a finishing trimon the room side of windows and exterior door-frames) to a molded or plain pilaster.Similarly, interior doors also come in manystyles (fig. 6-73). The two principal types are flushand panel doors. Interior panel doors (colonialand five-cross type) are manufactured to besimilar to the exterior doors, Novelty doors, suchas the folding door unit, are commonly used forclosets because they provide ventilation. Theinterior flush door is usually made up with ahollow core of light framework covered with thinplywood or hardboard. Most standard interiordoors are 1 3/8 in. thick.Hinged doors should open or swing in thedirection of natural entry, against a blank wall,and should not be obstructed by other swingingdoors. Doors should NEVER be hinged to swinginto a hallway.Figure 6-74 shows the principal parts of afinish doorframe. On an outside door, the frameFigure 6-74.-Principal parts of a finish doorframe.6-41
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