Figure 15-2.-Types of soil gradation.
The size and shape of the soil particles dis-
cussed above deal with properties of the individual
grains in a soil mass. Gradation describes the
distribution of the different size groups within a
soil sample. The soil may be well or poorly
To be classified as WELL GRADED, a soil
must have a good range of all representative par-
ticle sizes between the largest and the smallest. All
sizes must be represented, and no one size should
be either overabundant or missing (fig. 15-2).
Poorly graded soils are either those containing
a narrow range of particle sizes or those with some
intermediate sizes lacking (fig. 15-2). Soils with
a limited range of particle sizes are called
UNIFORMLY GRADED. Soils that have some
intermediate size or sizes not well represented
or missing are called GAP GRADED, STEP
Compactness refers to how closely a mass
of soil particles are packed together; the closer
the packing, the greater the compactness and
the larger the weight of soil per unit vol-
The structure of a total mass of soil particles
may be dense. In this case, the particles are closely
packed and have a high degree of compactness.
A dense structure provides interlocking of par-
ticles with smaller grains filling the voids be-
tween the larger particles. When each particle is
closely surrounded by other particles, the grain-
to-grain contacts are increased. This lessens the
tendency for displacement of the individual grains
under load, and the soil is then capable of
supporting heavier loads. Well-graded coarse
materials usually are dense and have strength and
stability under load.
On the other hand, the structure may be
loose, in which case the particles are not
packed as closely together as possible, thereby
lacking compactness. Loose, open structures have
large voids, which will lead to settlement or dis-
integration when foundation or traffic loads are
Specific gravity is designated by the sym-
bol Gs. It is defined as the ratio between
the weight per unit volume of the material
and the weight per unit volume of water at a
stated temperature usually 20°C. If you use
the system international (SI) (metric) system, you
can determine specific gravity by the following
Specific gravity =
weight of sample in air (g)
weight of sample in air (g)
weight of sample submerged (g)
Test procedures will be discussed in detail later
in this chapter. The specific gravity of the solid
substance of most inorganic soils varies between
2.60 and 2.80. Tropical iron-rich laterite, as well
as some lateritic soils, generally has a specific
gravity of 3.0 or more. Sand particles composed
of quartz have a specific gravity of about 2.65.
Clays can have values as high as 3.50. The solids
of soil particles are composed of minerals.
Generally, these minerals have a specific gravity
greater than 2.60. Values of specific gravity
smaller than that are an indication of the possible
presence of organic matter.
The moisture content of a soil mass is often
the most important factor affecting the engineer-
ing characteristics of the soil. The water may enter
from the surface or may move through the sub-
surface layers by either gravitational pull, capillary
action, or absorption. This moisture is present in
most cases. It influences various soils differently;
it probably has the greatest effect upon the
behavior of the soil when the soil is subjected to